The problem with lethargy is that doing nothing validates the fear that nothing can be done.
You can't fight fire with fire, or fear with fear.
The difference between self-confidence and conceit is as simple as love and fear. Jesus was self-confident ... Hitler was afraid.
Diversity, or the state of being different, isn't the same as inclusion. One is a description of what is, while the other describes a style of interaction essential to effective teams and organizations.
To truly be of service to others, we must first serve the server. The ability to bring an enlightened presence to those in need is the ability to light a candle without burning ourselves out.
Perspective is what allows us to step back and see the entire forest instead of just the same old tree we keep running into again and again.
In order to become more influential with those who are resistant to our point of view, we must be willing to start with what is influencing them.
One key to success is knowing the difference between knowledge and wisdom. One is information from the past while the other is the key to the future.
A process for discernment: God is my ultimate source of truth and wisdom, and dwells forever at the center of my being. Therefore, any thought, emotion, or action that takes me further from my center can be neither truthful, nor wise.
Autonomy, Purpose, & Mastery: If you are having difficulty creating the life you want, chances are one or more of these are missing.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal while blaming our misery on the person who started the fire.
The key to changing our past, present, and future is to create our piece of the PIE our Perceptions, Interpretations, & Expectations on purpose.
All of life presents itself as a cycle of cause and effect. When this cycle is negative, there are three ways to change. You can change the cause, change the effect, or choose the most powerful option become the cause!
When our purpose becomes avoidance, our life becomes a void.
Let's not let our fear of dementia deepen our fear of dementia.
Our past is not, as some fear, a series of events carved in stone that we must carry around for the rest of our lives... but a kaleidoscope of experiences that, when viewed through different lenses, can 'color' change how we see our present and future.
You never want to tie your responsibility to another's irresponsibility.
Leaders should interact with everyone in their organization as if the interaction is being recorded and will be used as a training film on how to treat colleagues, coworkers, and customers.
Regardless of the problem, as long as our solution requires someone else to change, we will never know the power and promise of self-determination.
Sleep is simply a chemical change in our brain and body melatonin - It is not a place we go, it is a state of being that we fall into.
How do you keep people from jerking your chain? Don't give your chain to jerks!
As long as we define stress as how some person or situation is making us feel, we will have to change the world around us to find peace of mind.
Stress is a signal that something needs to change. Suffering, is when we don't make the change!
The problem with righteous indignation is that even when you're right, you're still left feeling indignant.