Bisco Hatori Quotes
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Tamaki: You're the one giving up without even trying.
Tamaki = "If not spoiled constantly, he'll die" type.
Ruka... hasn't realized it... but she's like me. She loses hope too easily. She gives up... on herself and others. But the truth is... there are people around who can help.
They say they don't understand me. And how could they? I don't understand myself. I mean, is this really me? Or is this just a dream? Maybe I'm merely a spirit floating through ether... and that's why I feel so empty.
You must strive for individuality!! Got that?! Strive!
I was sad and lonely...but it was due to my own I could stand it... and I even got used to it.
Gay men! And it's incest! With the same face!
Mom! This is Haruhi! We'll adopt her someday so don't forget!
We're always contradicting ourselves. We want people to tell us apart.... ...yet we don't want them to be able to. We want people to get to know us... ...but we also want them to keep their distance. We've always longed for someone to accept us... But we never believed there'd be anyone who would accept our twisted ways. That's why we'll stay locked up tight... our own little private world... ...and throw away the key, so that no one can ever hurt us.
You feel he has a lot of admirable qualities.
I want you to make u and go halfzies on this cake. K? But. . . I want a piece too, so i guess we'll have to go thirdzies. . . Awwww, we're not going to be able to split the strawberry on top though. What should we do? Maybe I should just take it after all strawberries are my favorite. . . oh! I forgot to ask Hiku-chan, Kau-chan do you like strawberries?
You, your grandmother, the chairman----YOU'RE ALL ABUNCH OF FRIGGIN' IDIOTS!!!
Haruhi: This is a sibling squabble, not a fight to the death! You're both wrong, and acting like idiots only proves it!
Kaoru: Grownups are so tiresome. They fake their smiles all day long and they try to force us to do the same. It's no fun at all.
Ryoji: It's either that she doesn't know how to lean on someone or she's simply that selfless. She won't give me a space to worry about her. Beyond that, she'll protect others instinctively.
I like old things. They have an aura of the past... and I wonder whose hands have touched them. Their long histories give them depth and personality. My dream is to travel in pursuit of those histories... and find my own special place.
Conclusion 2: There's nothing more demonic than two bored twins.
We can never escape who we are. Instead of wasting time worrying about it, why don't you cut to he chase and love yourself?
Kyoya: Some say I only became more calculating but I don't care... because you lose out if you don't have fun, right?
IfI had never met them, I never would've known what it was like to run all out...or to cry with all my heart and laugh with all my heart...To say nothing of the way it feels to wish so much for another person's dream to come true. I never would've known what it's like to want something with all my heart. I want him to know that if I hadn't met him that day in addition to all the various new emotions I've felt,I never would've known this one overflowing in my heart.
Haruhi: Whaddaya think I am?! The Twins: To us? Why that's obvious-- a toy!
What's important is to be myself! To dream doesn't mean putting yourself in a box. It means realizing the essence... of what you really want to do.
Guess what, Satsuki! I realized something wonderful! I don't have to be a teacher to light the way for others. I can make my dream come true in other ways!! And for that, I need you. It has to be you. I love you. Without you... I can't even smile.
Has a world composed of "us" and "not us" been invaded at last?