We have not yet reached any definitive view on the precise measures we would propose to remedy this situation."
No-one contests the need to address the high cost of and the corresponding difficulty of having access to cross-border clearing and settlement in the EU. We have not yet reached any definitive view on the precise measures we would propose to remedy this situation. It is clear, though, that the present system is untenable. Changes are going to have to be made. We believe the industry recognizes this as well and we would encourage them to be a part of the solution and not the problem." ()
Lots of member states seem to be wanting to put up unjustified barriers." ()
We wrote to them yesterday and we are waiting for more answers." ()
France knows how to work the system. But countries shouldn't come to Brussels and sign up to the internal market and then do the opposite. It is hypocritical." ()
The concerns expressed in the draft recommendation are based on the wrong premise. The Commission's assessment and the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines advises Ireland to seek to achieve economic stability. This is exactly what the Irish government has sought to do in the budget in a number of ways.
I think that we will have to initiate measures against Spain."
With the broad consensus reached on key aspects of this proposal the European Parliament has provided us with a solid basis for going forward."
I favor initiating some action, but I await final conclusions from our legal services,"
When you have it, you spend it. The mistake is to try to spend it when you haven't got it.
The danger is, if we're not very frank and strong about this, there will be tit-for-tat arrangements. You get into a situation where it becomes an epidemic.
IIn a number of member states, particularly some older ones, there is a fear that economic reform will undermine social protection, ... Such fear is not only misplaced but counterproductive."
I am a firm believer in the benefits of open markets and the free movement of capital.
You could make the case that this is part of a big battle, which is going to get worse.