Wayne Grudem Quotes
God's faithfulness means that God will always do what He said and fulfill what He has promised.
Wayne Grudem
Quotes to Explore
There is but halting for the wearied foot; The better way is hidden. Faith hath failed; One stronger far than reason mastered her. It is not reason makes faith hard, but life.
Jean Ingelow
Let all Americans - let all lovers of liberty everywhere - join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union; but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and to keep it, forever worthy of the saving.
Abraham Lincoln
Men expect that religion should cost them no pains, that happiness should drop into their laps without any design and endeavor on their part, and that, after they have done what they please while they live, God should snatch them up to heaven when they die. But though the commandments of God be not grievous, yet it is fit to let men know that they are not thus easy.
John Tillotson
Tremendous human energy is needed to walk God's walk, work God's work, fulfill God's will, and complete his dream for our self-esteem.
Robert H. Schuller
Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain.
William Cowper
But truths on which depends our main concern, That 'tis our shame and misery not to learn, Shine by the side of every path we tread With such a lustre he that runs may read.
William Cowper
You've got to understand that everything has its time. I had wonderful years as a boxer, I achieved everything. I dont miss anything.
Lennox Lewis
For if I should not believe all that is written by Historians, of the glorious acts of Alexander, or Caesar; I do not think the Ghost of Alexander, or Caesar, had any just cause to be offended; or any body else, but the Historian. If Livy say the Gods made once a Cow speak, and we believe it not; we distrust not God therein, but Livy. So that it is evident, that whatsoever we believe, upon no other reason, then what is drawn from authority of men only, and their writings; whether they be sent from God or not, is Faith in men only.
Thomas Hobbes
A daughter of the gods, divinely tall, And most divinely fair.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
For this is wisdom: to live, to take what fate, or the Gods, may give.
Adela Florence Nicolson
If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.
Albert Einstein
God's faithfulness means that God will always do what He said and fulfill what He has promised.
Wayne Grudem