I think we are just in a tradition of bands that are not excited by super-macho guitar music. To me it goes back to the Beatles.
Sometimes I feel like my brain’s going to come out of my ears, and occasionally I get really dizzy (especially after 'Is It Any Wonder?' and 'Again And Again') and I can't hardly stand up straight on stage! Probably not that good for me in the long run, but you just get caught up in the moment.
I think the reason we're all in this band it's because it's a good way for us to express our feelings. We're much better at doing it through our music than we are in, kind of normal ways. I'm comfortable playing to 40,000 people, but if I have to speak to a group of four people, I'd probably go a deep read and start dribbling. I normally feel, whatever I've got to say, I've said it in the songs.
It got to the point where I was afraid that I would have to wake up the following morning and think about what I was going to do next. To suddenly realize that everything was disappearing was incredibly frightening. We all loved the music we were making so much, but when you're dealing with things that were really personal to all of us, when you immerse yourself in the emotions we were writing about, it can't help but bring up bad things.
I often break strings, which on a piano is quite an achievement!
Prove to me that you're no fool Walk across my swimming pool.
It can happen to anyone, people judge you too quickly rather than actually bothering to find out what’s below the surface.
Our image, if we have one, has been shaped only by me, Tom and Richard and the songs we write.
Too many bands are scared to show emotions these days. They seem to think it’ll stop them being cool or something. We’ve never been cool. We’ve always been into emotionally charged music.
I like cows very much. I like their big eyes and they moo a lot and they don't do any harm.
We probably didn't even consider becoming a guitar band again. We used to be a guitar band when we started out and we've been there. The sounds on this record are really exciting and expressive of the lyrics and the music.
Some people won't like that we're not hard rock. We're not like Coldplay.
I don’t think it’s possible to be a good artist without being a bit of a freak. If you were happy and contended and normal then you wouldn’t be able to work.
I'm like a child genius, without being a child or a genius.
We like to have things like organic beer, rather than the usual chemical filled crap. But you can’t always get that. We’re pretty normal. It goes back to what I was saying earlier about keeping your feet on the ground – as soon as you start demanding things like M&Ms with the blue ones taken out then you’ve probably entered a mad fairy world and you need a slap in the face!
Tom sleepwalks in a very amusing way occasionally. He's been known to wake up in hotel lobbies in his pajamas.
We were really happy to get out here to run. We liked the cool mountain air. The only thing we didn't like was getting up at 4:30 to make it.
I like trying to write about confusion and grey areas because life is not normally very clear-cut and simple, especially when it comes to the way people interact.
Lennon was such a great writer and exactingly honest. That was the thing that was defining about his songwriting and is weirdly absent from so much songwriting today, and I don't understand why.
What's great to me is that we're building jobs, and we're really building northern Michigan's brand. We're helping the economy here.
I hate it when people refuse to acknowledge their own feelings and reactions to something, because they see it as being a weakness to say that they’re scared, or upset about something, or whatever.
If you don’t make a great record that really touches people, what is the point?
I want an 11 out of 10, because I'm soooo sexy.
These kind of places are a little bit more styled and a little bit more personal.