Be educated as to what the local issues are. Don’t travel blindly. Open yourself up to more awareness of what you are doing and what you are shooting. This is our responsibility as photographers.
A lot of information that people are looking for, you have to remind them that it’s really easy to find on Google.
I don’t even know where my next paycheck is coming from.
Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer, just a little bit.
In life, there are no shortcuts to joy. Anything that is worth pursuing requires us to suffer just a little bit.
A great photographer shares what they fear losing most
You invest in so many little things that accumulate into bigger things
Photography allows you to be a part of the action and document stories. It is a perfect extension of my body. I can take it pretty much anywhere and tell a story with a photograph.
An agency once gave me great advice. They said: ‘Your website is important, but if we want to hire you, we are going to look at your blog.‘ And they were right. They want to know who YOU are. They want to know who we are as people, because they want to spend time with you.
For me it’s always just been about experiencing the things I love and documenting them. I have gotten a lot of joy out of what I do, and I feel lucky to be able to spread that joy.
Don’t ask for food in a Russian jail cell
A photograph now is more of a communication tool than anything.