Chris Kaman Quotes
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I've always loved Def Leppard, ever since I was little.
I've been on stage since I was eight.
I've known Pinchas Zukerman since he was a teenager.
The only way we are going to make the playoffs is by beating Philly. There is not a single person in this building who believes we can get in any other way.
It is fun being in, I'll say that. It's a thrill to be in the playoffs. I really enjoy that part of it. From that standpoint, it makes the day much easier.
We had a miserable first year (6-10 in 2004), and that's real hard on you. So you go in the second year knowing you've got to make something happen. Being able to get 10 wins, that helps a lot. It gives the whole organization confidence. If we hadn't gotten into the playoffs, it would've been a real downer. Getting in the playoffs was somewhat of a turning point for us.
It was a great experience tonight -- I'm thrilled we came out on the right end of it. Anytime you get into the playoffs, it's a huge deal.
I feel humbled and really thankful the Lord's blessed us with a great bunch of guys. Any time you get into the playoffs, it's a huge deal. ... I don't know what to say about it, other than: I'm just thrilled. It's hard to get into the playoffs.
I don't want to just go to the playoffs, I don't want to go to the playoffs and win the first round, second round, and not win the whole thing because it's bittersweet.
Just inconsistent. But the positive part of it all is that the season's not over. (We've) still got a chance to get into the playoffs and start a new season. For us to tank it now would be crazy. (We're) definitely not going to give up. We've got a long way to go.
We got things done at the right time tonight. Every time we went down we kept our composure and got back into the game. We were able to get a lead and sustain it. We showed a lot of character being that those guys (Washington) already had their playoff shirts made up and wanted to wear them after the game. We didn't give them a chance to do that, now they have to do it somewhere else. We had an extra incentive to beat them and that gave us a great lift. We just did everything right tonight.
I'm not pointing fingers at anybody, but as a group we're not playing hard enough to win basketball games. We don't seem hungry. We don't seem like we want to make it to the playoffs.
I've had some good games and bad games. I think I've been putting our team in situations to win most games in the fourth quarter. That's been one of my goals. But I have to improve my play in all aspects for us to have a chance to do well in the playoffs.
All the regular season does is get you to the playoffs. And now you see what you've really got.
There are times and moments and there will be one in this playoffs where he will do the offensive work. He's going to be on fire and feeling the ability to go out there and shoot anytime, any place. Right now, I think he's just moving the ball well and doing the right things for us.
When you get off to a lead like that they usually catch up. Today we kept them at bay. It's good to be back in the playoffs.
It is wonderful that five thousand years have now elapsed since the creation of the world, and still it is undecided whether or not there has ever been an instance of the spirit of any person appearing after death. All argument is against it; but all belief is for it.
After waiting four long years since the Lost CHIC Tapes were recovered, I'm finally putting out our first record. I'm like a child waiting for Christmas morning.
When Stephen got was either a motivating force for the Pacers to get their run, but at the same time he was turning the ball over a lot, so he may have been an asset by default.
Let us eat, drink and satisfy our coarse appetites, but let us keep our souls sacred and apart.
Christians came from the ranks of the illiterate. This is certainly true of the very earliest Christians, who would have been the apostles of Jesus. In the Gospel accounts, we find that most of Jesus’s disciples are simple peasants from Galilee—uneducated fishermen, for example. Two of them, Peter and John, are explicitly said to be “illiterate” in the book of Acts (4:13). The apostle Paul indicates to his Corinthian congregation that “not many of you were wise by human standards” (1 Cor. 1:27)—which might mean that some few were well educated, but not most. As we move into the second Christian century, things do not seem to change much. As I have indicated, some intellectuals converted to the faith, but most Christians were from the lower classes and uneducated.
We haven't been in the playoffs since 1997.