God gave one sisters to teach one to love the inexplicable.
Courtney Milan -
I spent my day as I normally spend my days: threatening suppliers, bullying those who are not in line with my expectations, and generally creating havoc in the lives of others. The square across the street is empty of all but the pigeons. I find myself resenting them.
Courtney Milan
In this world, you’re either playing the game or you’re a pawn on the board.
Courtney Milan -
He was nothing but a deep abyss of want, and only she could fill him. He didn’t want to turn at the sound of her voice. If he simply stared into the hydrangea for long enough…then he would be a coward. He turned to face the woman who could bring him to his knees.
Courtney Milan -
This wasn’t a case of gilding the lily. If there was a lily underneath all that, it had long since been crushed to a pulp. The party stopped in its tracks as she took off her cloak, frozen in wordless contemplation of a wardrobe that made the word “gaudy” sound sweet and demure by contrast.
Courtney Milan -
Burn that one to the ground, Violet, and dance on the ashes. And damn anyone who tells you it’s selfish to do so.
Courtney Milan -
I’m going to explode,” she muttered. “Into a cloud of dust and despair.
Courtney Milan -
She looked like a woman talking about astronomical parallax, and that made her brilliantly beautiful.
Courtney Milan
If it must be done, it's best done bravely.
Courtney Milan -
"I’ve escaped from the dreadful clutches of a nap,” she announced to the road.
Courtney Milan -
It would be like loving the ocean, but wishing it would change into a glass of water.
Courtney Milan -
“Ah, the rule that says that women aren’t allowed to be intelligent.” He brushed a kiss against her forehead. “Burn that one to the ground, Violet, and dance on the ashes. And damn anyone who tells you it’s selfish to do so.
Courtney Milan -
Maybe that’s what I have been looking for. When storms and rockslides threaten, I am looking for someone who will hold on to me and not let go.
Courtney Milan -
“Violet,” he said. “How could I say I loved you and expect you to do something you didn’t want?
Courtney Milan
You really shouldn’t blame men for everything.” “No, just the ninety-eight percent of society’s ills they’re responsible for.
Courtney Milan -
The vicar gave him permission and he kissed her - not hard, for lust, nor long, for love, but a light brush of his lips for the brief space of time that she would stay in his life.
Courtney Milan -
Only lawlessness and chaos can be born out of lawlessness and chaos.
Courtney Milan -
Miss Fairfield had a gift for taking a beautiful concept and then marring it beyond all recognition.
Courtney Milan -
“Are you really left-handed?” Mr. Marshall asked. “No. I’ve just been pretending to use my left hand my entire life because I enjoy never being able to work scissors properly.
Courtney Milan -
You see, I'm not some shiny bauble to be strung onto a necklace and displayed for all the world to see. I'm too proud to ever be anyone's conquest.
Courtney Milan
For everyone who has carried water in thimbles and teaspoons throughout the centuries. And for all those who continue to do so. For as many centuries as it takes.
Courtney Milan -
The only thing worse than an unlovable woman was an unlovable woman who whined about not being loved.
Courtney Milan -
The Bible got it wrong when it intimated that the valley contained the shadow of death. Death dwells in the high places.
Courtney Milan -
"Work your way on to number twelve,” she snapped. “Number eleven wants nothing more to do with you.
Courtney Milan