Craig Detweiler Quotes
The world of technology is the sum total of what people do. Its redemption can only come from changes in what people, individually and collectively, do or refrain from doing. —Ursula M. Franklin

Quotes to Explore
I pledged to become the world's greatest expert in a field I knew nothing about.
It is good to be in front of the lens to appreciate more being behind the lens.
If you learn one thing from having lived through decades of changing views, it is that all predictions are necessarily false.
When you catch other people with a sound like yours, that's when you know you did something.
People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.
Religion has convinced us that there's something else entirely other than concerns about suffering. There's concerns about what God wants, there's concerns about what's going to happen in the afterlife.
Like every Southern writer, I thought that I needed to write the next 'Gone With the Wind.'
The more gays and lesbians come out - the more people realize that they have a friend who's gay, which they may not have known before, and they realize this person has the same aspirations and desires and need to be committed and to be part of a community - then they become more accepting.
Imagine if all those kings and dukes hadn't commissioned those crazy cathedrals, paintings and music... we'd still be living in sticks and mud. Because none of those things made any economic sense. Human beings' capacity to 'waste time' is a miracle - but that's exactly what art is for.
Globalization is simply opening the free marketplace to encompass the entire world.
The spectator, we might put it, contracts by infection the characteristic disease of the actor, the attenuation of selfhood that results from impersonation.
We thought we'd be really big in Liverpool.
There are times when leadership needs to take a bold move forward. And there are times when the leadership needs to act on the basis of what the grass roots say. You need to have your political thermometer constantly in the political waters to know when to give leadership in what way.
God himself preserved the Bible, and brought it down through the ages.
You know, why at the end of your life should you assemble thousands of pages of 'Why am I so sad, why am I so depressed?' Instead, assemble thousands of pages of why you're so content.
For me, it is important to pick up characters which I can relate to. Or I recall an incident in my life or tap into my innermost emotions and try to bring that reality on to the screen.
I have all the patience in the world about Sirens. For me it's not a Grateful Dead project, it's a Me project.
While my trips are most often focused on business, I always try to take some time to experience the local culture.
You can get fake fur, which, if that's what you want - if you want that fur look - it looks just the same. It's really unnecessary to skin an animal when you can get something that looks just the same without hurting anything.
There are a lot of challenges I undeniably have faced as a black person both in the U.K. and in the U.S. that contrived to make me feel lesser than what I am.
The Zionist movement gave political expression to our claim to the land of Israel. And in 1922, the League of Nations recognized the justice of this claim.
Design is the fundamental creative activity with which we direct our lives, and collectively, the earth's transformation from its original, natural state into our human-made world.
The church is constituted as a new people who have been gathered from the nations to remind the world that we are in fact one people. Gathering, therefore, is an eschatological act as it is the foretaste of the unity of the communion of the saints.
The world of technology is the sum total of what people do. Its redemption can only come from changes in what people, individually and collectively, do or refrain from doing. —Ursula M. Franklin