November does not work at all. Not a single one of the 16 baseball federations involved expressed the view that November was a better time.
Amphetamines have been part of the game for a long, long time. To, after half a century, deal with this issue, get it as part of the agreement, is a major step forward.
We hope that the state department comes through. We would be disappointed if Cuba didn't play.
MLB is a special, but fairly priced, family fare.
While we had other options, we didn't want to lose what's been a relationship since 1990, and we think they're doing an awfully good job.
I regret very much that D.C. officials have failed to honor the agreement they made when they successfully bid for the Expos to move to Washington. Baseball has no choice but to pursue arbitration so the terms of our original agreement can be honored and to begin to explore whatever options are available to us.
It is our contractual right to seek mediation as a tool to convince the parties to fulfill their obligations as set forth in the contract that was agreed to more than a year ago.
I think it is very important that we have Major League Baseball in Washington, D.C..
The NFL has a hard cap, but if you ask 20 NFL experts who is going to win the Super Bowl this year, you might get 20 different answers. If you then asked 20 baseball experts who is going to represent the American League in the World Series, at least 90 percent of them would say the Yankees and the rest would say Seattle.
We are not discussing alternatives because we are hopeful and confident we are going to get approval.
It's like rain delays, ... That's in the province of the commissioner's office. It's to prevent someone from getting what they perceive is an advantage. The roof is designed for weather, not for competitive advantage. It's not like watering the baselines.
There have been discussions about beginning bargaining that were interrupted for the World Baseball Classic. I would expect the sides to meet to establish an initial timetable shortly.
This will be a tremendous opportunity to showcase one of the great cities in America and one of the great ballparks in Major League Baseball. And what better place to have our first World Baseball Classic finals than in a city and with a team that has such strong international roots and international outreach.
I urge the City to accept this compromise. We all have worked long and hard and it's time to give the Nationals a new stadium and a strong future by bringing this matter to a successful close.
We are embarking upon the mediation process. By terms of the contract, those proceedings are confidential. Other than to say we are moving forward, I won't have any substantive comment.
We have worked very hard to accommodate the requests from the Mayor and the Council that changed the terms of the agreement that brought the Montreal Expos to Washington. Because we believe in the future of Baseball in the nation's capital, we have signed a lease that honors the 2004 agreement, while conforming to the emergency legislation that the Council passed last month.
We are studying the language in an effort to understand its impact on our existing agreements and consulting with experts for advice concerning its ultimate impact on the future of Major League Baseball in Washington. We are interested in reviewing the analysis of this legislation made by both the (District) Office of the Chief Financial Officer and that made by the Office of the Attorney General prior to reaching our conclusions.
There are a number of segments of the marketplace that I'd like to see us continue to reach out to and Latins is one of those. Kids from the ages of 12 until the time they get out of college are an area we need to focus on. They're great through Little League, and then through high school we tend to lose some of them.
We are very hopeful that ... Cuba will be allowed to participate on the terms that have been negotiated. It is critical that Cuba participates. Cuba is an important international program, the defending Olympic champion, and ought to be in the World Baseball Classic.
In arbitration, all prior concessions by MLB would be revisited.
No decision has been made to date. The commissioner and I continue to meet with representatives of the groups and there will be an official announcement when the decision is made.
We continue to have eight groups that are very active and desirous of owning the team.
We haven't secured it in other stadium deals.
From the standpoint of family entertainment, baseball remains very affordable compared against comparable entertainment. MLB is a special, but fairly priced, family fare.