Tony Tavares is very competent. He's doing planning for next year. Jim Bowden has done a wonderful job, and so has Frank. We're very confident we're going to turn over a very healthy and vital franchise to a new owner.
These are economic issues that should get resolved. There are creative solutions to every problem. Hopefully between the lending institutions and the city, we'll be able to find creative solutions.
The matter remains on the commissioner's desk. He has given no indication that he's prepared to issue a formal decision.
It's not their prerogative and it would depart from their practice during the year.
It clearly contains conditions, restrictions and new provisions which go well beyond our previous agreements and raises a number of questions. We want to make sure that the kind of ballpark we agreed upon will be built, that it can be paid for as we have agreed.
We're meeting IBAF and IOC delegates into an attempt to regain baseball's Olympic status.
There are still concerns at both the top and the bottom. The goal would be to get a tighter range that would ensure that even more than 20 clubs at Labor Day still have a chance to compete for playoff spots, that playoff spots are based on skill and talent and blossoming stars and not just on plugging holes with economics.
We remain guardedly optimistic and are looking forward to receiving a positive response to our reapplication, hopefully within a matter of days.
We want to stay in Washington. We're very pleased with the reception that people in Washington gave to the team. We're continuing to work with the mayor, we're continuing to work with the council and we're hopeful that we can get it done.
The difficulty with the lease remains a troublesome issue, ... I've been in touch with all eight of the ownership candidates, and we're trying to move the process forward as rapidly as possible so the eventual owner can plan for the coming season.
Today's vote is a serious setback to all those in the Washington community who sought the return of a team to the nation's capital. I regret very much that D.C. officials have failed to honor the agreement they made when they successfully bid for the Expos to move to Washington. Baseball has no choice but to pursue arbitration so the terms of our original agreement can be honored and to begin to explore whatever options are available to us.
Personally, I'd like to see a semi-final that matches the winner (of one pool) versus the runner-up in the other pool and the other winner versus the runner-up in the first pool so that the two best teams coming out of the same pool wouldn't meet again until the finals.
We've continued to meet and talk, probably on a daily basis, with the commissioner and with members of the committee, ... Several of the candidates have come in over the last couple of weeks and have gone down to mlb.com and have spent some time down there continuing their due diligence. Again, I see no reason why we can't make an announcement by Labour Day.
Overall the first round-robin was a success. The winners of Pool B will have their hands full next week facing rested Korea and Japan teams.
They all have significant strengths, all have significant financial wherewithal. Every one has support within the industry and outside the industry. The strengths of the groups make this a very difficult decision.
The Commissioner is going to interview the groups in the next week to 10 days that he hasn't spoken to yet. And then we hope to move forward on the decision-making process.
Given Sen. Mitchell's integrity, given his background, he was absolutely considered to be the perfect choice for this job.
The presence of Cuba in the tournament ensures the highest level of competition for the tournament which, for the first time, will bring together the very best players throughout the world in a single event.
I'd like to have a vote on it at the November owners' meetings. There's no reason why we can't announce who we intend to sell the team to in conjunction with signing the lease. But it's very important that we sign a lease contemplated by the stadium agreement. We continue to negotiate and hope that this will quickly be resolved.
is sort of cool. Our fans are becoming, well, I don't want to say 'obsessive.' That sounds negative. But they're avid.
This is an acknowledgment of an entire area of the world and a heritage and multiple countries. This is not a racial thing. The Latin American influence in baseball has been pervasive.
The new owner will be involved at every stage. Of course, if changes are made at the new owner's request and they add to the costs, it would be the new owner's responsibility.
We want to make sure that the kind of ballpark we agreed upon will be built, that it can be paid for as we have agreed, that the team be able to exercise adequate control over the ballpark site, that we understand the limits of the legislative power to further rewrite contracts we enter into and that the balance of burdens and benefits agreed to by us in mediation is readdressed, since it has been seriously disrupted by the legislation.
There are still some fundamental economic differences. We've said all along our goal is get a lease and we're going to continue to work on it. I don't think it'll be done Friday. We're probably looking at next week.