We need to find a way to get the (D.C. Council) to honor the commitment it made to get a stadium built. I am guardedly optimistic that we can find a way to get it done.
I think we're doing much better player-wise, but I think we need to reach out to African-American fans.
We're optimistic it will be voted in Turin, and baseball and softball will be reinstated, ... We were encouraged.
He is interested and he's a free agent.
We're very pleased they're coming to the table, and we hope we can achieve a program that works.
Commercial issues related to the land that's being delivered and the development of that land.
It doesn't matter if it's a playoff game or a regular-season game. The umpires have to keep control of the game. Tony was warned twice.... It's a shame, but those are the circumstances.
We will be prepared to select ownership as soon as the lease obligation is done.
We're important to ESPN. We fill up a lot of space for them in the summer. We're their programming in the summer. If you look at 'SportsCenter,' most nights in the summer, it's, what, 70 percent baseball.
I assume physical constraints notwithstanding, Bonds will play the whole year.
Plans to talk to people involved with various groups he does not know. After that, we should be in a better position to make a recommendation.
I expect them to play the whole season. I expect Bonds to play the whole season, his physical limitations not withstanding.
There are those who felt the Latin player-base community had been overlooked by fans in that election.
I think we're all running out of time.
That's far too narrow. The Commissioner wants the panel to look at it and take it as far as they want to go.
Why would that be better? ... Look, there are always circumstances.
We are growing increasingly concerned about the District's ability to meet the agreed-upon December 31, 2005 deadline, by which date a number of critical tasks in the Baseball Stadium Agreement must be completed.