Pessimists, we're told, look at a glass containing 50% air and 50% water and see it as half empty. Optimists, in contrast, see it as half full. Engineers, of course, understand the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
We're helping them to increase their revenues and lower their costs. In the end, it provides for a better experience for customers.
This particular stand has an unusually high number of surviving chestnut saplings, ... Most of our American chestnuts die before they get this big.
The impact of having the Cardinals is huge, but building that new stadium doesn't change anything.
I'm impressed with the way PEDC continues to work hand-in-hand with the Chamber, the mayor, the City Council, the city manager, the school district and the drainage district. It's helped bring the city where it is today.
I'm so proud of my team. The players acted like a team. It's the way you want to dream about going out as a captain.
Talking with local bowlers at that time, it was clear that the center had a promising future ? the town was growing and growing younger. Weeks later we were the new owners of the bowling alley.
What you're doing by moving the stadium is creating six city blocks for an exciting new development. It creates employment opportunity and it's not something that would have happened on the south side of the old stadium.
The technology life cycle has three stages: Hype, disillusionment, and application.
We unfortunately did the same thing last year, the body count was only 35.
We were surprised any bowlers still bowled at the bowling alley.
It's not these people's fault. The real issue -- why do you have just one location to sign up? It's very stressful.
Arrogance is a veneer -- a thin covering of excuses hiding deep performance deficiencies.
To win the Kentucky Derby is the goal of every trainer, every hot-walker, every backside person. They may be just rubbing on a horse, or hot-walking a horse, but they wonder if they could win the Kentucky Derby.
We've already notified our customers what their new rates will be, so I don't anticipate we'll change the rate schedule now.
The big event will be in October when we plan to hold Public Power Week.
I think the board and the school are really wanting not to forgo the historic mission, which is to train Christian leaders, but also to prepare students to carry out their ministry in the context of the world as it is today and to prepare them for contemporary situations.
It's the site - that's the issue. It isn't who the builder is.
It was a very key half-point. Any time you can get up on GB&I in alternate shot, it's an advantage.
It's not just be on the Walker Cup team and have that star after your name. A lot of these guys want to win the Walker Cup and bring it back to American soil.
Thank you to the bowlers who frequented Fountain Bowl, many of whom have become our friends.
We represent a lot of people out there who are welcoming this kind of message.
I've been preaching getting a half-point for two years now. So many times in the Walker Cup, you can think of a specific moment when a half-point would have changed everything.
Contentment is wanting what you have. Ambition is wanting what another has. Progress comes from wanting what nobody has.