This isn't the first time this has happened to us. We weren't prepared and we've come through each time.
We're kind of just in a standby mode at the moment.
He would mow for my mother. It saddened all of us.
If you like who you work with, who you interact with every day, you're going to accomplish better things.
Instant gratification is so overrated. It's about the process. It's the difficulty. It's the grind of all of it that you better enjoy. That's what makes it great.
It's easy to be a good person when things are going well. We try to find people that will rise up when things are not going well. When we build a team, it's not just how is this person going to be when things are good... when things are rough... then who are you?
We stress we're in it together. They've been very good about it.
The system can be set up so that lower-level security breaches stay at the bottom of the response ladder. If critical security breaches occur, the system can immediately initiate top-level response, including officer command scripts that tell the utility police officer exactly how to respond to the situation on their display monitor.
If you work with people that are bringing you up constantly - really bright, really passionate people - you can't help but get pulled in that direction.
You stay elite by constantly moving forward.
The stories strike a chord deep within us, ... They take us back home, back to our roots.
It is exciting to have these great musicians perform at a dynamic performance venue like Long Island University's Kumble Theater. I am grateful to the University for providing the central Brooklyn community with access to world-class productions at the Kumble Theater.
We don't have to be in the lead, or get the publicity for everything we do. What's important is that we pull out all the stops to leverage every way we can make a difference when people are in great need.
Rebecca and Christina are probably two of the best girls in the state; there's a very good chance they'll place in the top five at states. Those girls are just great leaders. I think we're going to win it all. The girls we have are good, they have two great leaders to follow.
I can see the advantage because this gives you a clear direction of where to go.
It comes down to competitiveness. I hate to lose. We want people in our organization that hate to lose - that want to compete every single day, so you continue to strive to win.
It took a lot of people to keep it rolling for 40 years, and I'm just glad it's still here to go. I hope it goes for another 40 years.
When a crisis is unfolding, you don't think of it as competing for time and resources. Everyone needs to stretch--keeping focused on running the business and doing what needs to be done in the face of intense need. You have to do more.
The School Board made the decision to let the administration decide, and I thank them. It is not an easy situation, and it is inevitable. You can't stop change.
If you can build a team full of high-quality people, and you bring aboard someone who may lack qualities, they're probably likely to go in the right direction.
The project will use state-of-the-art technology on both the hardware and software side. The sheer size and scope makes this project physically complex and technically challenging.
It's good that people recognize a piece of technology that has endured through two programs -- I guess really three, if you include Skylab.
How do you build a successful organization or culture? It's the people. The people part, in business and basketball, is huge.