Whoopi Goldberg (Caryn Elaine Johnson) Quotes
Quotes to Explore
I know not whether Laws be right,Or whether Laws be wrong;All that we know who lie in gaolIs that the wall is strong;And that each day is like a year,A year whose days are long.
Oscar Wilde
...we like somebody who succeeds with such bad conscience, and who seems to wish that he had the nerve to be a failure or, better still, something to which the terms success and failure don’t apply-as when Mallory said, about Everest: 'Success is meaningless here.'
Randall Jarrell
Yet voluble of dumb violence. You look Across the roofs as sigil and as ward And in your centre mark them and are cowed . . .
Wallace Stevens
8) History never repeats itself.
Larry Niven
That all men are equal is a proposition which at ordinary times no sane individual has ever given his assent.
Aldous Huxley
'Well, what are you doing? What have you done?' 'I am sitting in this char,' said Poirot. 'Thinking,' he added. 'Is that all?' said Mrs. Oliver. 'It is the important thing,' said Poirot.
Agatha Christie
Science is a self-correcting discipline that can, in subsequent generations, show that previous ideas were not correct.
Brian Greene
I immediately felt so comfortable there. Or if not comfortable, at least willing to bear the discomforts because they fit the awkward places in my heart.
Orson Scott Card
A father's and a mother's age must be borne in mind; with joy on the one hand, fear on the other.
If the masses started to accept UFOs, it would profoundly affect their attitude towards life, politics, everything. It would threaten the status quo. Whenever people come to realize that there are larger considerations than their own petty lives, they are ripe to make radical changes on a personal level, which would eventually lead to a political revolution in society as a whole...
John Lennon
The Beatles
What kind of scholar was I? Or was I a scholar at all? My ignorance was enormous. Beside it my knowledge was nothing. My hunger for learning, not so much to improve my lot as to understand my world, had led me to study and to thought. Reading without thinking is as nothing, for a book is less important for what it says than for what it makes you think.
Louis L'Amour
Her least favorite thing: VOLUNTARY IGNORANCE
Whoopi Goldberg