To play it safe is the most risky decision we could make. To risk is the safest decision we can make with God. No matter the short-term implications, we must obey God with reckless abandon.
The health, long-term mission, and viability of the church are not going to be determined by those who gather on Sunday morning. The future of the church will be determined by the depth of its disciples.
Culturally appropriate evangelism answers the actual questions being asked by a given culture rather than those questions the church believes the culture should ask.
Too often we attempt to teach people to swim in a classroom.” If you have ever taken swimming lessons, you immediately get the importance of getting in the water and practicing under the watchful eye of a swimming rabbi. Jesus invited the original twelve to go swimming with Him.
90 percent of heart patients who are told to change their lifestyle habits or die, choose death over change.
The Christian life is not about finding safety and comfort; it’s about finding yourself in a dangerous place of vulnerable compassion.
Jesus did not send us to declare the gospel only where people are responsive or where our witness is welcome. He did not expect us to be on mission to disciple peoples only where there is no danger or risk involved. He was unequivocal in His mandate to disciple the nations (peoples)—all of them!
Church leaders—including pastoral staff, elders, deacons, and leadership teams—must see community as a biblical nonnegotiable, an essential for transformation, a necessity for building lives that stand the test of time.
At the end of the day, in spite of the risks, do life with your people. They need to see you struggle and process your day-to-day walk with Christ. They need to see you desire community, and you need to see transformation take place among your community.
God does not use extraordinary striving. He uses extraordinary availability to reach the world with the message of his Kingdom.
A biblical theology of persecution creates a framework for understanding God’s sovereign purpose in allowing the evil dominions of darkness to inflict suffering on His children.
You can move a leader’s feet by force, or you can move their hearts by influence and inspiration.
From a leadership perspective the biblical role of staff members is to “equip the saints.” But there should be a place where staff can practice “being a saint.”
You cannot hate a people and reach a people at the same time.