Chlorophyll in particular has a cleansing effect, helping the body extract toxins from the liver. As toxins are removed, withdrawal symptoms will be intensified, but overall withdrawl will be shorter. Eating chlorophyll-rich foods have been shown to help people break the addiction to nicotine and stop smoking.
Performance in an endurance sport, as with many things, is only as good as the weakest link.
If stimulation is used when it will not help you achieve something of value, it is an uncomplementary stress. I consider coffee drinking an uncomplementary stress. I view it as a form of credit, similar to shopping with a credit card. You get energy now that you don’t actually have, but you pay for it later—when the “bill,” or fatigue, hits.
Plant foods have several advantages, including easy digestibility and bioavailability the rate at which the food is absorbed by the body and exerts an effect. Fatigue, bloating, cramping, and an upset stomach can often be attributed to poor digestion. Many whole plant foods have enzymes that facilitate quick and efficient digestion. The quicker nutrients are extracted from the food, the sooner the food can be eliminated—a key factor in optimal health. As well, insoluble fibrous plant matter speeds waste through our system, reducing the risk of toxins settling in the colon and then spreading throughout the body. Enzyme-rich foods help ensure the body makes use of the nutrients in the food.
Since plants pull minerals from the soils—micronutrients essential for human health—they serve as a conduit, taking the soil—the environment—putting it into a digestible form, and passing it on to us. Each time we take a bite of food, part of the environment literally becomes part of our biological fabric, our bodies. At the risk of sounding like a hippy, the Earth is part of us.
What do we actually seek from food? It's not calories, nor is it volume or mass. It is, in fact, nutrition: micronutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. These are components by which food can be assessed a value, and therefore, a decision can be objectively made as to whether it's worth eating.
Exercise is a form of complementary stress. Essentially nothing more than breaking down muscle tissue, exercise is the best way to stimulate regeneration of the cells.
It's not volume, nor is it calories that we biologically hunger for. It's micronutrients. And until we receive enough, the hunger signal will continually urge us to eat. Thankfully, there's a simple fix: nutrient-dense food.
Since a calorie is a measure of food energy, you may understandably assume that the more calories you consume, the more energy you'll have. I certainly believed that. Conventional sports nutrition books had me convinced of it. Yet, in practice, we see that clearly isn't the case.
Once I learned how to be a healthy vegan by eating the right foods my performance improved dramatically.
Stressed people do not burn body fat as fuel as efficiently as do those who are not stressed.
Many people put up with things that are unpleasant but tolerable, rather than changing them; their situation needs to become unbearable before they take action.
Our hunger signal will remain active until we take in an adequate supply of nourishment.
The closest you can get to perfection is constant improvement.
The Complete Idiots Guide to Eating Raw is ideal for anyone looking to seamlessly adopt eating habits that will benefit overall health and boost athletic performance.
Without an adequate supply of micronutrients, not only are we less likely to sleep deeply, recover briskly from exercise, ward off sickness, and fully exploit our brainpower, we get hungry. And we stay hungry.
Stress is like fire: When controlled and used for a purpose, it serves us well. Left unbridled, it can consume us.
Being vegan doesn't make you a stronger, better athlete. But it allows you to make yourself a stronger, better athlete.
The Thrive Diet is not about perfection or idealism, it’s about progress.
Energy is like money; once spent, it's gone. However, it is possible to make an investment, as opposed to an expenditure, that yields a return.