I can write songs, but I'm not gonna really feel good about the song unless it feels like me, and I'm not gonna release a song or put it on an album or play it in concert unless it really feels like me.
A sunny, happy day is beautiful, but when it's moody, and storm is coming, there's an energy in the air.
It's usually kids that normally don't have a chance to get to meet each other because they're separated by millions of different things.
People walk around pushing back their debts Wearing pay checks like necklaces and bracelets.
If I hear a really good song it's like, oh man, I want to write a song that good. But the urge to create mostly comes from nature, weather and I think it just effects me.
What I strive to do with songwriting is be really honest, authentic and try to be open and share that with people. I choose that over trying to be clever, poetic, or lyrical.
Paul Simon is my absolute hero. He's one of a kind. He wrote his own ticket in life by being himself.
I like fish and a lot of seaweed, but I don't eat bread or dairy or anything like that. It's kind of like in the macrobiotic world. I'm just a healthy eater who loves to juice.
I sing the best when I'm really in my voice. It's kind of like I'm meditating but I sort of imagine my voice as a physical thing. I see colours, I feel it moving out of me and I try to tap into images that I was tapping into when I was writing the song.
Blessed is this life, I'm gonna celebrate being alive.
I'm a very typical yoga-practicing musician; I do it when I can. I'm not hardcore about it. A lot of my lyrics talk about celebrating life and working through pain. I think that's what yoga's about, getting rid of, moving energy and letting it flow through you.
I think everybody, no matter what they eat, they should eat at least fifty percent raw food. But I eat some seafood.
I think food is the great equalizer. Other than the ocean and the air, food is the thing that we all share in common. I think along with that comes the question of why are some people starving, and why do some people produce more food than they need, and why is food going to waste.
Every song is completely different. Sometimes they come like a lump of clay and it's your job to chip away and find out what's in the center. Sometimes it comes like swimming fish, and you have to follow it and see where it leads. Sometimes it comes totally fragmented.
I want to live the way I choose. It's all about happiness. I'm a happy person. But to find true happiness, peace within yourself and the world, that is something achieved in the moment. No matter the circumstance.
Nature inspires me because it's so peaceful. It makes me have an inward experience. It makes me reflective and nostalgic.
I come from a place of sincerity. I write about what I see and feel. I write about what I want, I don't have a political agenda. Politics may enter into a song but it always comes from the heart.
I can't really write unless I'm full of inspiration. And even then I can't write unless I have some alone time.
Pain is a part of life. It's certainly part of my creative process.
Bringing up issues that are hard to deal with is a challenge for me, and I think that's what draws me to song writing.
I know musicians who think that drumming and guitaring can be very meditative, but singing is different because when you think about things, you put words to them. So I try to just stay present most of the time, I try not to let my mind wander and I also try not to clear my mind. I like to still have thought and be aware of people and whatever that's happening, but I also like to just focus on the words that I'm saying.
I'm an avid juicer and a healthy eater.
I used to want to be fully observational, but I'm just not that kind of writer. My process always changes depending on how, when, and where inspiration stiles me.
The people at festivals are much more open to dance and just sing along. They come right up to the stage and they're very thankful. That's one thing I really appreciate about the yoga culture, that the people are very thankful. They come up to you as much as any fan would, but they express sincere gratitude and I appreciate that.