...and there I was sending all the wrong signals to the right people in the wrong ways. Again, again, again.
In the embrace's release I caught the scent again. Unmistakable. Marijuana. These homos were high as kites.
But if renting all those movies had taught me anything more than how to lose myself in them, it was that you only actually have perfectly profound little moments like that in real life if you recognize them yourself, do all the fancy shot work and editing in your head, usually in the very seconds that whatever is happening is happening. And even if you do manage to do so, just about never does anyone else you’re with at the time experience that exact same kind of moment, and it’s impossible to explain it as it’s happening, and then the moment is over.
I felt all the ways in which this world seemed so, so enormous--the height of the trees, the hush and tick of the forest, the shift of the sunlight and shadows--but also so, so removed.
But I couldn't ever make that dream happen. It just came on its own, the way dreams do.
You can't catch somebody doing something when they're not hiding.
I just liked girls because I couldn't help not to.
How could I pretend to be a victim when I was so willing to sin?