Emma Curtis Hopkins Quotes
You must be sure that whatever health is brought to mankind it all comes from God.

Quotes to Explore
God only expects man and woman to be together and to be legally married, only if they so are in love with each other.
I used to go on chat rooms on AOL, back when those things existed, and argue with believers in evolution and argued with them that it was against God's law to believe in evolution. It was something I believed really personally.
An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.
Men need to be aware of the health of their bodies, as well - prostate cancer and breast cancer are almost on the same level. It's fascinating to me that the correlation between the two is almost the same - people don't talk about it so much, but they are almost equal in numbers.
The constitution of the universe is total natural law. 'Natural law,' we say from the field of science. 'Will of God,' we say from the field of religion. It's the same thing.
Intellectuals know how to answer the question, 'What God do I believe in?' not only through the question of 'What God do I abhor?' Intellectuals can also answer the question of 'What flag do I wave?' without having to answer the question of 'What flag do I burn.'
Meditate upon the Knowledge and Bliss Eternal, and you will also have bliss. The Bliss indeed is eternal, only it is covered and obscured by ignorance. The less your attachment is towards the senses, the more will be your love towards God.
God in his wisdom made the fly And then forgot to tell us why.
We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.
I am hell-bent for the South Pole - God willing and crevasses permitting.
Truly England and the church of God hath had a great favour from the Lord, in this great victory given us.
We can't form our children on our own concepts; we must take them and love them as God gives them to us.
They men have corrupted this God's supernatural order by making profane things what they should make of holy things, because in fact, we believe scarcely any thing except which pleases us.
God tempers the wind, said Maria, to the shorn lamb.
Since God is the one who calls people to their work, the worker becomes a steward who serves God.
I believe firmly in God's control in life.
No matter what we face, put your total faith in God, and in time - not our time, but His time - He'll bring us through.
I sometimes think love is God's way of hoodwinking people into having kids. You fall in love, and all that passion goes into procreating and wanting children.
What is a war criminal? Was not war itself a crime against God and humanity, and, therefore, were not all those who sanctioned, engineered, and conducted wars, war criminals? War criminals are not confined to the Axis Powers alone. Roosevelt and Churchill are no less war criminals than Hitler and Mussolini. England, America and Russia have all of them got their hands dyed more or less red - not merely Germany and Japan.
There are two things that you need to save for. First, you need an emergency cushion of no fewer than six months of living expenses. This needs to be cash in a liquid account where you can get at it in - yes - an emergency if you need it. In other words, money markets, not CDs. You also need to save for your future: that means retirement.
String theory is the most developed theory with the capacity to unite general relativity and quantum mechanics in a consistent manner. I do believe the universe is consistent, and therefore I do believe that general relativity and quantum mechanics should be put together in a manner that makes sense.
The first education to be a good chemist is to do well in high school science courses. Then, you go to college to really become a chemist. You want to take science and math. Those are the main things.
By a diabolical irony the very facsimiles of the world which we make on purpose to bring it within our grasp, to make it less elusive, have transported us into a new world of blurs.
You must be sure that whatever health is brought to mankind it all comes from God.