I am a faith healer. My prayers have immense power, which I utilise whenever I can.
'Driving Home For Christmas' is just a great Christmas song because people are in their cars and driving home.
I've had Harleys on both sides of the Atlantic, so I'm a lover of a Harley motorcycle.
There's something very special about playing Las Vegas, and I never tire of being here.
I've always believed applause is food for an artist.
If I'm in a city I haven't been in before, I believe if I go into a church and ask a favor, it will be granted. It's part of my belief, and that's what I do.
I had tuberculosis in my mid-20s. I didn't have much work, was living in a damp London basement in a sleeping bag, and ate only every other day. I looked rough and felt very run down.
When I'm performing, sometimes a lyric will touch on my personal life, and it can be difficult to sing. For instance, when I sing 'How I Love You,' I'll choke up.
I'm in a class by myself, along with people like Rod Stewart.
I played to the biggest audience I've ever played to in my life in New Zealand. I couldn't see the end of the crowd. I understand it was over 200,000 people in a park somewhere.
I do like rude jokes. They're men jokes.
My first manager chose the name Engelbert Humperdinck for me. My real name is Arnold George Dorsey. It didn't really quite hit the entertainment industry the way it should have. But when my manager chose the name Engelbert Humperdinck, I had a hit record immediately, which was called 'Release Me.'
My job is to entertain people and make them happy. I'm blessed to be able to do that.
I don't put faces on a dartboard. I just love the game, and I think I play it very well.
Eventually, when I recorded Release Me, it sort of stamped my style, and I've followed in that vein ever since.
I try to keep myself young as possible. I vow to never let my hair go grey.
If you don't put out material that's going to last, you're not going to last.
I bought Jayne Mansfield's mansion in L.A. after her death. I had met her in England and remembered her perfume. When I moved in, I could smell her, and I saw her apparition.
I really enjoy what I do. And if you want a lasting career, you have to work at it. Keep it current. Keep it fresh.
'La Marseillaise' sounds best ringing around a packed sports stadium. Its lyrics evoke revolution, conflict, taking up arms, preparing for the fight - everything my music does not! Even in our largely peaceful times, it retains its rousing, martial air that gives it a power that hasn't diminished.
When people hear romantic songs, they fall in love.
I always take a hot shower before I go onstage. It's so refreshing. I let the steam into my throat. That's the way I warm up my vocal cords - in the shower. I start by humming and then finally singing.
Retirement has never entered my mind for one moment because I don't feel the age I am - and I don't act it, and I don't speak like it. When God calls me, that's when I stop. Until then, I'm going to just keep going.
From me growing up with a large family and everybody singing around the Christmas tree, it was a wonderful, wonderful upbringing.