Listen, you may not like the fact that I'm talking about Donald Trump, but the facts are that he is now, this is a race. This is a - it's no longer Hillary's Clinton. This is now a horse race.
Eric Bolling -
The American people don't want additional troops on the ground.
Eric Bolling
It's President Barack Obama sounding the alarm, scaring the crap out of the American people. Saying if you don't raise the debt feeling, we're going to default.
Eric Bolling -
Donald Trump said that he has intelligence briefings. He's heard stuff that body language. It's very wild to me.
Eric Bolling -
Whether they did or didn't, America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008. I don't remember any terrorist attacks on American soil during that period of time.
Eric Bolling -
Incentivizing more clinics to incentivize the young women, to may or may not want to have an abortion to say, you know what, if we talk her into an abortion, we'll be able to sell it for 75 bucks up to 300 bucks.
Eric Bolling -
The people who are working, paying their taxes are put into the system so that affordable housing could be built in neighborhoods that they probably live in that. That they may not want to, they may pay a premium so that they could live where they want to live and you end up with just another massive redistribution of wealth.
Eric Bolling -
What I call an establishment or insiders, is that for a long time, they haven't fought to win. They haven't - they have run to win. Marco Rubio is literally telling voters to vote for another candidate that he is competing against in Ohio, just to stop Donald Trump. Couple of thoughts, what of his donors has to say about that?
Eric Bolling
What Donald Trump does - President Trump does is he moves forward. He moves the media. He moves the story forward. He stays in the news. I will tell you, unequivocally, I spoke to him, he's very frustrated about Russia being the focus of everyone's conversations when he would like to focus on other things.
Eric Bolling -
Animals are so beautiful. Why does an American dentist need to go to Africa to kill them? Look, I get it. You're a hunter? Go kill a deer and eat it or a bear where there's a lot of them. But I just don't get it.
Eric Bolling -
You could pay a fair market price for a barrel of oil and cut 50 cents a barrel or a dollar barrel off what you're going to pay Mexico and use that money and put it towards to the building a wall. If they don't like it, too bad we're go buy the oil.
Eric Bolling -
A military preparedness strategy with specifics yesterday and today rolls out a school of choice plan with monetary specifics. So Donald Trump has pivoted over the last, he had a very rough go after the conventions.
Eric Bolling -
Сops have a tough job and sometimes it takes you being tough.
Eric Bolling -
What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest.
Eric Bolling
Donald Trump gets a 19 percent higher approval rating than Hillary Clinton does, among military members.
Eric Bolling -
The housing market it at a record high that its never been at also.
Eric Bolling -
I also point out that the Democrat senator from Maryland, called the Tea Party, teabaggers.
Eric Bolling -
Kathy Griffin, Madonna, Snoop Dogg, they're all lefties.
Eric Bolling -
Jerk equals narcissist.Narcissists tend to be risk takers. Risk takers happen to do better in general in businesses. So jerk equals narcissist, equals risk taker.
Eric Bolling -
In honor of Al Gore, green tea, not Tea Party, but Al Gore green tea. And by the way, it's tree hugger-approved.
Eric Bolling
Dan Pfeiffer for me probably the most concerning at all because he is the President Barack Obama strategic communications adviser. What's the strategy?
Eric Bolling -
We're not going to default. We just won't default. I mean, there are ways of not defaulting even if you don't raise the debt ceiling, and even if you don't fund the government.
Eric Bolling -
That's exactly what Donald Trump says, Putin is a great leader. We should love Putin. He has a high popular and everybody oh, fine, you guys - oh, that's terrific.
Eric Bolling -
There are so many numerical financial flaws in ObamaCare. Young people realize I'll take the penalty. I'll deal with whatever it takes for the next couple of years. Maybe a couple years down the road, they will start to pay.
Eric Bolling