Most Canadians, if they don't show up for work, they don't get a promotion. … You missed 70 per cent of the votes.
They need a new community on higher ground.
(The lockout) makes no sense unless you put it in the context of a wider strategy, which is to somehow weaken Canadians' commitment to Canada Post so that ultimately, when the government gets out there to privatize it, they think they can get the public on their side
If I've tried to bring anything to federal politics, it's the idea that hope and optimism should be at their heart; we can look after each other better than we do today.
As it stands at the moment, if there's a motion of non-confidence on the table in the House, we will not be supporting or indicating confidence in the government.
We want to challenge the established ideas with new ideas.
This debate is coming down essentially to two visions - Mr. Harper's vision for Canada and my vision for Canada, and to a decision to be made by people disappointed by Mr. (Stephane) Dion
Bono is no longer supporting the prime minister's position...niether are canadians.
He's put a lock on the door of the House of Commons and he refuses to face the people of Canada through their elected representatives
This is a budget that does not protect the vulnerable, it doesn't protect the jobs of today and it doesn't create the jobs that we need for tomorrow.
We're encouraged that Mr. Harper appears to have taken some of our concerns into account. If Mr. Harper is serious about making this Parliament work, we will be open to working with him.
We have not made these choices lightly, Our decision was made in the full seriousness and clear knowledge of what is at stake.
I think we've come to where we are because of those positive ties and working together for working families. That's our priority and continues to be. It's been there since our founding and we've now achieved the best success we've ever had electorally. So I think you want to continue with what's working
'If it's a flash it's been an awfully long flash. I've been around for 20 years in one of the largest media and political markets in the country, so I'd call it more of a slow burn.'
Layton: After all these years of inaction, will the Prime Minister finally get something done and do something the former government would not do and that is to cancel the subsidies to big oil and big ass-I mean big gas and start putting-Stephen Harper: Mr. Speaker, I promise to get to the bottom of it.
And finally, to all Canadians: Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world. We can be a better one - a country of greater equality, justice, and opportunity. We can build a prosperous economy and a society that shares its benefits more fairly. We can look after our seniors. We can offer better futures for our children. We can do our part to save the world's environment. We can restore our good name in the world.
There are many confidence-testing opportunities in the next number of weeks,
I remember a Stephen Harper once upon a time... You've become what you used to oppose... Mr. Harper, what happened to you? What changed?
It's a privilege and it's an honour and Olivia and I are certainly looking forward to visiting this beautiful, historic building and being able to stay there during the session when we're here in Ottawa.
Every member of Parliament has been sent there by Canadians, and that decision should be respected, and that member of Parliament should be respected.
I don't know why we'd need so many more prisons when the crooks seem so happy in the Senate.
It's not fair that prices have risen so quickly -- so rapidly -- because the product that is for sale was purchased (before the hurricane) at prices that were much lower by the companies. So there's some profiteering going on here.
They're about dimes and dollars. A few dimes to you in tax cuts, many, many dollars to banks and oil companies.
I want to share with you my belief in your power to change this country and this world.