How we vote now will be determined by whether meaningful action can occur on some of the areas that we outlined a few weeks ago.
Quite often in negotiations people start out by saying no and then they turn around, ... A few more days and perhaps we'll see some movement.
Unfortunately it has become clear that Paul Martin and his team are not cut from the same cloth as Lester Pearson or Pierre Trudeau. And so, most Canadians think it's time for a change.
We want to try to have a productive parliament to focus on issues Canadians care about, ... If there is no significant action in the days ahead, we will have to make our choice.
I believe that when Paul Martin cancelled affordable housing across this country it produced a dramatic rise in homelessness and deaths due to homelessness and I've always said I hold him responsible for that.
Politics matters. Ideas matter. Democracy matters, because all of us need to be able to make a difference.
You can wait forever for perfect conditions or you can make do with what you have.
the only leader in this House that will not compromise.
Free speech is one of our fundamental principles and it's pretty hard to speak freely when people are yelling at you when it's your turn. That would never be allowed in a classroom or in any other kind of meeting.
I think Paul Martin doesn't mean what he says. He said he would clear this sort of thing up and he didn't do it.
What the government is proposing is unacceptable, ... There's no basis for our party to express confidence in this government.
If you want a progressive (member of Parliament), a New Democrat, one who will fight for change, then you have to vote New Democrat. It's that simple. In order to have the Canada you want, you have to vote for the Canada you want.
I ask you to join me in saying that enough is enough with Liberal arrogance and scandals and enough to the vote-buying promises of the Conservatives. There's a better choice, a third option, the NDP
What we need to do is stand up for ourselves when we're unfairly treated.
When you're sick, you present your medicare card, not your credit card...
Some people think the NDP may want to get rid of the monarchy but I can assure you that that's absolutely not the case. My Dad was a big time monarchist and so am I.
Don't let them tell you it can't be done.
That would be a confidence vote by definition, ... I can tell you where we're going to stand on that one: firmly opposed, as will the vast majority of Canadians.
This avoids the holiday election that nobody wants.
The question is if Mr. Martin will realize that he needs the support of other parties to get things done or not. We will be putting some proposals in front of the House and convince other parties to support them. However, at the present time there is no discussion of some sort of an agreement,
Privatization is taking place right across this country and there's absolutely nothing to stop it.
Always have a dream that will outlast your lifetime.
The government was comprehensive in its response ... (but) I would characterize the proposals as disappointing.
That doesn't seem right to me. Canadians paid for this.