The more sophisticated we become - as we pierce reality and see the void beyond - the more our sense of wonder is destroyed, along with our reasons for being.
Keenly aware of their limitations, artists often remain insecure even as their list of successes grows.
The artist's personality, built upon strong desires and compassionate vision, is by its nature prone to depression.
A creative block is a fear about the future, a guess about the dangers dwelling in the dark computer and the locked studio.
We have enough experiences in a day to make art for a decade.
While some part of the artwork may fail, the whole may have its own unique importance.
Artists are often poignantly careless about making and keeping friends.
It goes against an artist's grain to retire. But whether he retires or not, he will age... What work will get done in the remaining time? ...Can he find a little peace in this twilight? Or must he still rush on, restlessly and hungrily, to the very end?