I do consider even going to prostitutes, or seeing a hooker or an escort, as having an emotional component, even if it's not an emotion necessarily in the relationship. Even if you are paying in order to absolve yourself of any emotional involvement. That's the paradox.
Esther Perel -
Most of us will get turned on at night by the very same things that we will demonstrate against during the day - the erotic mind is not very politically correct.
Esther Perel
To look at infidelity from the point of view of sex is a complete narrowing of the phenomenon. There's a reason that the commandment is repeated twice in the Bible - once for doing it and once for thinking about it. We have always created structures and broken structures. It is essential to the human spirit.
Esther Perel -
The whole notion of one person being enough for everything gets instantly challenged when you start to talk with somebody about wanting more or of wanting something else. They take it personally, feel like a failure or feel that they lack something, so you don't talk about it because you don't want to hurt, offend, or scare the other person. You also don't want to be rejected or have them leave you, whatever the reason.
Esther Perel -
Success, to me, is helping one person or many people counter the isolation and pseudoconnectivity of our lives by boosting their ability to connect to themselves and to others.
Esther Perel -
Marriage isn't meant to make you happy - it's there because it gives you a life in which you can find happiness.
Esther Perel -
In dating, if you say no, your lover goes on to the next person. In marriage, if you say no, the person stays.
Esther Perel -
Everyone should cultivate a secret garden.
Esther Perel
Sex is about where you can take me, not what you can do to me.
Esther Perel -
One of the most amazing abilities of sexuality is to momentarily transcend the borders of Self into something that is no longer defined by physical property and that is utterly unique. It's really what many call a religious experience.
Esther Perel -
It isn’t so much that we want to leave the person we are with as we want to leave the person we have become.
Esther Perel -
It's our imagination that's responsible for love, not the other person.
Esther Perel