You know, I do feel as though it’s more of a follow-up. I mean, we recorded this record live and in the fashion that I really wanted to do that first Bash & Pop record, although it didn’t quite turn out as live a record as we planned. The first one, anyway. So this one actually has more of a live rock ‘n’ roll band feel to it. And I really kinda wanted to make a record where I wasn’t wearing too many hats at once and I could actually, you know, capture some of the essence of a rock band playing live together in the studio.
You know, I do feel as though it's more of a follow-up.
The charm of the Replacements is that we’re not the greatest musicians on the planet, we’re a great f—ing rock’n’roll band.
That’s a misconception he’s run with. I was never mortified by them. My brother was definitely not into them, but that’s because Paul and my brother had more of a competing nature towards each other.
There was a game that had to be played that had nothing to do with music and everything to do with stroking someone else and f—ing doing the whole song and dance that was completely foreign and, quite frankly, illegal to us.