Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.
Gautama Buddha -
All composite things pass away. Strive for your own liberation with diligence.
Gautama Buddha
All descriptions of reality are temporary hypotheses.
Gautama Buddha -
Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill – natured man with kindness. Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with truth.
Gautama Buddha -
Be a lamp to yourself. Be your own confidence. Hold on to the truth within yourself as to the only truth.
Gautama Buddha -
If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone. There is no companionship with the immature.
Gautama Buddha -
Your greatest weapon is your enemy's mind.
Gautama Buddha -
Like a fine flower, beautiful to look at but without scent, fine words are fruitless in a man who does not act in accordance with them.
Gautama Buddha
As a mountain is unshaken by the wind, so the heart of a wise person is unmoved by all the changes on this earth.
Gautama Buddha -
The glorious chariots of kings wear out, and the body wears out and grows old; but the virtue of the good never grows old.
Gautama Buddha -
Your days pass like rainbows, like a flash of lightning, like a star at dawn. Your life is short. How can you quarrel?
Gautama Buddha -
All phenomena link together in a mutually conditioning network.
Gautama Buddha -
The heavens and the earth may be captured by the mind's eye.
Gautama Buddha -
Fools wait for a lucky day, but everyday is a lucky day for an industrious man.
Gautama Buddha
Sometime, somewhere you take something to be the truth. But if you cling to it too strongly, then even when the truth comes in person and knocks on your door, you will not open it.
Gautama Buddha -
Believe nothing, O monks, just because you have been told it, or it is commonly believed, or because it is traditional or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to and take as your guide.
Gautama Buddha -
I gained nothing at all from Supreme Enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called Supreme Enlightenment.
Gautama Buddha -
Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death.
Gautama Buddha -
Surely if living creatures saw the results of all their evil deeds, they would turn away from them in disgust. But selfhood blinds them, and they cling to their obnoxious desires. They crave pleasure for themselves and they cause pain to others; when death destroys their individuality, they find no peace; their thirst for existence abides and their selfhood reappears in new births. Thus they continue to move in the coil and can find no escape from the hell of their own making.
Gautama Buddha -
Heaven and Hell are imaginary creation of ignorant minds.
Gautama Buddha
He who never thinks of anything as 'mine' does not feel the lack of anything: he is never worried by a sense of loss.
Gautama Buddha -
Nothing is to be clung to as I, me or mine.
Gautama Buddha -
Just as a tree, though cut down, can grow again and again if its roots are undamaged and strong, in the same way if the roots of craving are not wholly uprooted sorrows will come again and again.
Gautama Buddha -
There's a treasury full of jade and jewels; It is in you. Don't go searching far from home for it-it's here.
Gautama Buddha