After conducting Wagner, Beethoven's triple concerto is like taking an Alka Seltzer.
I love the creativity of New York, but I don't enjoy the city - I don't like living here.
Music is the message of peace, and music only brings peace.
I believe in music.
New York is really the place to be; to go to New York, you're going to the center of the world, the lion's den.
New York for a long time was a kind of conductor's graveyard.
I would convert to Judaism if the operation didn't hurt so much.
I endeavor that all orchestras I conduct sound Central European.
I think conductors do spend too little time with their orchestras.
I have a few homes, and Los Angeles is certainly one of them.
Most Arab Israelis speak Hebrew, but not the other way around. It's about time that changed.
Israel is a piece of real estate that neither Jew or Arab will let go of; neither will leave these shores. And so they will have to learn to live together.
I love to conduct opera.
I love India.
My family and relatives alone could fill Shanmukhananda Hall in Bombay.
Some musical directors have more chutzpah. They pick up the phone and talk people into giving. I prefer to call and say 'thank you' after the money has been contributed.
I am often critical of Israel's policies when in the country, but then feel defensive of them when overseas.
Go to the young conductors who are not making it, and you will hear how we shouldn't push ourselves or sell ourselves, how they don't have the right connections and the right opportunities. Well, you can be sure they've had the opportunities.
I have been to Kashmir many times, especially with my family, in the '70s.
I wish that only three residents of Tel Aviv could see what conditions on the West Bank are like. Living in such proximity, most Israelis have no idea about the adversity on the West Bank.
If North American musicians would only know how uncomfortable life is for European musicians.
I sometimes feel it is to my disadvantage that I have not conducted the Cleveland Orchestra or the Boston or Chicago symphonies, but then I have had to sacrifice something in order to have enough time with my orchestras.
I'm a Persian Jew, and we don't speak Hebrew.
My life is so full of sacrifices.