P. J. O'Rourke Quotes
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Government, in the last analysis, is organized opinion. Where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government.
The role of designers and product makers is to really become much better editors. What kind of functionality is actually needed - and truly delightful - to consumers? Remove all the extraneous stuff.
Who controls the issuance of money controls the government!
My government is working for the common man. Our priority is the poor of the country. We want good governance through a dynamic and seamless government.
Our government just won't enforce civil rights laws. The laws will be ignored.
Think of Bitcoin as a bank account in the cloud, and it's completely decentralized: not the Swiss government, not the American government. It's all the participants in the network enforcing.
American business has just forgotten the importance of selling.
I grew up watching my mom and dad selling rooms in our motels. We had CEOs coming to our house so that my dad could persuade them to have their executives stay in Hyatt hotels.
If you want the government off your back, get your hands out of its pockets.
In so far as the government lands can be disposed of, I am in favor of cutting up the wild lands into parcels so that every poor man may have a home.
All's the government should do is keep the taxes and regulations at a manageable rate, keep a decent standing army and get out of the way.
Holding our own government to account for the use of its power is, in my view, the highest mission of a U.S. news organization.
No government, no organisation, no citizen can afford to be less than vigilant in combating bigotry, intolerance and hatred. And frankly, our way of life depends on that vigilance.
When a product is made, everyone hopes for the best. Whether it could have been better or not is more of an afterthought.
The United States influences government and life everywhere else.
When the government runs out of lenders, it can do something that households are forbidden to do: print money.
It is not hard to see why the FBI wants wiretapping backdoors. It would certainly make its job easier. But rejiggering the Internet so government can conveniently monitor everything we say and do online is too high a price to pay for making law enforcement more efficient.
Politics and government are certainly among the most important of practical human interests.
Hedge fund managers charge so much more than mutual fund managers; alpha is even harder to come by. They end up selling a variety of things beyond mere outperformance.
We are trying to provide the necessary resources we hope that we will have enough money to support the Palestinian Authority until a new government is formed.
It was just me and my mum growing up, and my mum's always said that's why I'm so mature. We were best friends, and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even have started athletics, because she wanted me to have a hobby.
When I sound real, I'm fake, and when I sound fake, I'm real.
Any kid who has two parents who are interested in him and has a houseful of books isn't poor.
If government were a product, selling it would be illegal.