Albert Einstein Quotes
Quotes to Explore
You don't have to work hard to bring emotions. It all just comes naturally, you're there living it.
I would like all French children to have unlimited opportunities opened up for them as French minister of education.
I've already established my (political)machinery. It's like a car. It's fixed already. You just have to get in and drive it.
Michael Kitchen was a great person to work with. So attentive and just great at what he does and supportive, also.
You may love football, but that doesn't mean you have any business trying to play the sport. It's the same thing with filmmaking... everybody has a great idea for a movie, but do you have the stamina to get good at your craft and deal with how heartbreaking it is?
We all want to win against all odds. We all want to be loved. We all wish it was possible to change our world and to make our world a better place.
I used to be a bitch. I met her at Hooters. She didn't have big boobs, but she could turn her head in a circle just like an owl. (p. 2).
Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do - but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.
I have faith in the universe, for it is rational. Law underlies each happening. And I have faith in my purpose here on earth. I have faith in my intuition, the language of my conscience, but I have no faith in speculation about Heaven and Hell. I'm concerned with this time-here and now.
A genius of comedy His talent brought joy and Laughter to all the world.
The beanball is one of the meanest things on Earth and no decent fellow would use it. The beanball is a potential murderer. If I were a batter and thought the pitcher really tried to bean me, I'd be inclined to wait for him outside the park with a baseball bat.
He had everything a dream boy should have. Back, front, sides, Everything. A head.
Praying men must be strong in hope, and faith, and prayer.
There is nothing more to controlling demons than to do good and fear nothing.
The value of money is that with it we can tell any man to go to the devil. It is the sixth sense which enables you to enjoy the other five.
A broken heart is such a shabby thing, like poverty and failure and the incurable diseases which are also deforming. I hate it and am ashamed of it, and I must somehow repair this heart and put it back into its normal condition, as a tough somewhat scarred but operating organ.
You end up making a home in every place you're at, in a small way. In any way you can find a kind of mindfulness.
The greatest blessing granted to mankind come by way of madness, which is a divine gift.
Yet it would be unfair to the generality of our kind to ascribe to their intellectual and moral weakness the gradual divergence of Buddhism and Christianity from their primitive patterns. For it should not be forgotten that by their glorification of poverty and celibacy both these religions struck straight at the root not merely of civil society but of human existence. The blow was parried by the wisdom or the folly of the vast majority of mankind, who refused to purchase a chance of saving their souls with the certainty of extinguishing the species.
Father, mother, child, are the human trinity, whose substance must not be divided nor its persons confounded. As well reconstruct your granite out of the grains it is disintegrated into as society out of the dissolution of wedded love.
Taste is so much more important than fashion.
Mankind invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever construct a mousetrap.