Anthony J. D'Angelo Quotes
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I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I've disappointed.
Social Security is not just another government spending program. It is a promise from generation to generation.
If we promise as public officials, we must deliver. If we as public officials propose, we must produce.
The two million or so residents who live beneath the Heathrow flight path are accustomed to the noise. However, they are right to feel that any expansion would represent an unacceptable broken promise.
If women had to promise to provide for a man for a lifetime before he removed his veil and showed her his smile, would we think of this as a system of female privilege?
I'm in the camp that needs to discover and take risks, sometimes it's with the promise of something special and new, sometimes it's to stay awake, either way it's much more stressful with all the uncertainty but worth the pain in the end.
Essentially this promise before curse, this superiority of God's love in Christ, must come from the Bible.
We are a people trying not only to solve the problems of the present: unemployment, inflation... but we are attempting on a larger scale to fulfill the promise of America.
I'm not always happy, I promise. I can be serious.
Our brand of democracy is hard. But I can promise that a year from now, when I no longer hold this office, I'll be right there with you as a citizen - inspired by those voices of fairness and vision, of grit and good humor and kindness that have helped America travel so far.
Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing.
I could tell it was a popular move as a writer to walk down the bass lines while you were writing a song.
I believe in the power of millions of courageous conservatives rising up to re-ignite the promise of America.
A U.S. dollar is an IOU from the Federal Reserve Bank. It's a promissory note that doesn't actually promise anything. It's not backed by gold or silver.
We believe in the Australian promise; that if you work hard, you won't be left behind.
Even as the Internet has revived hope of a universal library and Google seems to promise an answer to every query, books have remained a dark region in the universe of information. We want books to be as accessible and searchable as the Web. On the other hand, we still want them to be books.
What could be more lonely than to be enveloped in silence, to be the last of your people to speak your native tongue, to have no way to pass on the wisdom of the elders, to anticipate the promise of the children. This tragic fate is indeed the plight of someone somewhere roughly every two weeks.
I have made hundreds of dives in submersibles, with each dive holding the promise of seeing an organism or a behavior that no one has ever seen before. But I have always wondered about the animals and behaviors that we're not seeing because our bright lights and loud thrusters scare them away.
Dontel Benjamin on 'Eastbound' is a loud-mouth, braggadocios, crazy man, while Roy on 'Rake' is a very deliberate, thoughtful man, and he doesn't scream a lot.
What we call real estate - the solid ground to build a house on - is the broad foundation on which nearly all the guilt of this world rests.
It would have been more to the point, more honest and more Christian, in past decades not to support those who intentionally destroyed healthy life than to rebel against those who have no other wish than to avoid disease. Moreover, a policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole... If the Churches were to declare themselves ready to take over the treatment and care of those suffering from hereditary diseases, we should be quite ready to refrain from sterilizing them.
One outcome is almost certain. Extremism stands to benefit enormously from an uncalculated adventure in Iraq.
I exercise six days a week for one hour in the morning.
Promise a lot and give even more.