One of the wonderful things about 'Power' and why fans often say it makes their heart race is it's set up like a horror film because the audience is, like, four or five steps ahead of the characters.
'Power' usually starts principal photography around mid September, and the first table read is always like one big family reunion. The most common comment we hear is how 'well rested' everyone looks... something that can't be said by the end of the season.
There's a bizarre comfort and safety in doing your last and most intimate scenes with the actor you've worked most closely.
I'm mixed race - my dad's Caucasian, and my mom's Mexican - so I want to play anything and everything, from American to Latino, the whole spectrum; I'm insatiable.
Women could never beat men physically. So we have to be stronger in other ways.
'Power' is a beast to produce. Everyone behind the scenes brings a thoughtfulness and dauntless work ethic day in and day out.
Women are allowed to exist in this very narrow lane, but as soon as you step out of that lane, people want to stone you.
We have this idealized romanticism about how love might solve all of our problems, but then it doesn't.
The U.S. is a rainbow of people with an endless scope of stories. My hope is that writing stories about people of color will become instinctual rather than something to be pushed for.
To get on a show where you're acting day in and day out for many, many hours - 15-16 hours sometimes - it hones your endurance, your ability to memorize, your ability to follow your instincts, because you don't have time to fret about your choices afterward.
It's a terrifying feeling when you have to do multiple takes of a tricky scene because the focus puller cant keep a sharp image.
My secret skill, if it even counts as one, is saying really crass things that sometimes end up as dialogue coming from other character's mouths. My inner salty sailor is alive and well - the only problem is most of the writers on our show are just as inappropriate, so at the end of the day, it's hard to tell who came up with the line.
In an industry still dominated by men, working with a female director on an episode written by a woman, helmed by a female showrunner, all while doing scenes with your screen sister is like getting to see the big five at the wild animal park. It's awesome.
I don't think I ever sit there and think to kick a wound harder.
When we are filming, it often feels like we're flying blind. As an actor, you have no idea if your choices are right or if they work. Some scenes feel like a complete Hail Mary. Imagine you're blindfolded and cook a massive Thanksgiving feast with only new recipes - without getting to taste any of them along the way.
Death marks our careers as actors - it's often what flings us back into unemployment, the unknown, the insecurity that is the true constant in our profession... and it must be celebrated.
Sometimes you have to let your life fall apart and let it come back together on its own and learn to care for yourself in a different way.
If you are playing a Hispanic character who has to speak in dialect or in an accent, nail that dialect or accent. When I hear a character that's supposed to be Cuban speaking with a Mexican accent or vice versa, it grates on me and immediately pulls me out of the story.
While I resonate deeply with my maternal cultural heritage, I identify as American.
Time seems to slow down after the winter holiday. New York loses all of its winter romance and is just cold.
I personally think 'Power' is much more similar to 'The Sopranos' in that it deals with a character who is leading a double life and wants to become legitimate.
You don't actually need confidence or good self-esteem to be successful. You just need to have courage.
There is a deep camaraderie of insecurity between us actors. You rehash choices you've made among those who are close to you and inevitably bang your head against the wall when you finally figure out the scene... a day after you shot it!
The power of sexual attraction is a real thing.