The parts I enjoy playing aren't really available to me. So I have to write them.
I sort of tend to equate tattoos with prisoners, punks or people with a high level of self-confidence. I don't necessarily have a covered-in-tattoos personality.
I learned that people are much more game to mock their own personas than you would think.
I seriously consider television to be the people's medium.
I always imagined that having a baby is something that I'm going to keep in a private place, but maybe my curse is that all I'm going to want to do is tell everybody about what my birth process was like and what my children's nightmares are.
I love directing scenes that I'm not in because suddenly I really feel like a filmmaker which is a different thing.
I feel like you don't know if someone's equipped for a romantic relationship until they're out of their twenties.
I've had moments of deep self-involvement that didn't come from a place of loving myself but quite the opposite.
I thought I was really a radical, political person, which of course I am not.
The joke I always make about myself is that I'm self-involved, but I'm not vain.
I've always been someone who feels better, if I see what I'm going through in a movie.
You know, when I first started making online videos, there were a lot of filmmakers I befriended who were doing it too.
When I write I'm never really thinking about themes or the universal.
I'm ridiculous in my oversharing; my mom and sister are very open but a little more judicious than me... and my father is a decidedly private person.
I went to an amazing school in Brooklyn called St. Anne's that's a really kind of creative hot bed.
My parents are artists; in their world, in the world of modern artists, you are supposed to just go into your studio and tune everything out, and your entire relationship with your work is supposed to be a super private one. That was the way to do it and you weren't deeply truly artistic if that wasn't the way you were engaging the press.
My mom knows pretty well how I see her.
It's interesting to see how other people react to an oversharer.
Everyone needs something from me.
It's funny, I never considered that people are going to see me on the show and maybe stop me on the subway.