I guess I think about doing stuff that nobody else has done.
The work that's interesting to me in other people is really confessional.
There's always an article coming out, saying, 'The new thing is funny women!'
My uncle's a lawyer and I remember going to see him in court and thinking, 'That's cool, too bad I could never be a lawyer.'
I sometimes want to make a book of every tattoo I wanted to get before I actually got a tattoo, because there were so many awful ideas and concepts.
You're raised to think being a mother is an inevitable step in your development but you start to ask yourself questions, because not every woman does want to have children.
I had always written. I had written stories and poems. Then I started writing plays.
I'm glad if my work can make a difference.
I can play very annoying girl, very lost girl and then all the things in the spectrum between.
I thought I wanted to be a journalist or a novelist.
I didn't have to wait six years to get my show on the air, worry that someone else had a similar idea, or wait around for notes that took my voice out of the show.
I think romantic comedy, when done right, is my favorite genre. It's just a genre that's very human.
I love what I do, I love every minute of it.
It's very easy for me to say what success is. I think success is connecting with an audience who understands you and having a dialogue with them. I think success is continuing to push yourself forward creatively and not sort of becoming a caricature of yourself.