Lena Headey Quotes
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Passover is my idea of a perfect holiday. Dear God, when you're handing out plagues of darkness, locusts, hail, boils, flies, lice, frogs, and cattle murrain, and turning the Nile to blood and smiting the firstborn, give me a pass. And tell me when it's over.
I had a very brilliant father who was not only intellectual, but was street-smart and very curious to boot. The day I found out that he didn't know everything, I grew up. It was a shock. I just thought that the man was the end-all of everything, and he knew the answer to everything. Then I found out I'd have to find out my own answers.
I feel like I'm not the greatest general manager in the history of general managers, but I do OK, and I'm learning as I go. I try to just do my best with it.
I would vote for the man who's lived life, who's done different occupations, who's been out in the real world and struggled to make a living, struggled to raise a family, struggled with life as it exists. So I'd vote for experience, honest experience.
He who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.
The sinews of art and literature, like those of war, are money.
Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual, corporation, or product.
If the quickness of the mind and the fluency of the tongue are too punctilious and sharp, moderate them in your activity and rest.
What we call Man's power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.
In my humble opinion, preserving racial purity isn't a worthwhile goal. You should be able to date whomever, whenever, wherever without the threat of a backlash.
You can't build an adaptable organization without adaptable people - and individuals change only when they have to, or when they want to.
Why should youngsters get butterflies in their stomachs while working with me when my condition too is no different from theirs?
When the facts of history are written Haile Selassie of Abyssinia will go down as a great coward who ran away from his country to save his skin and left the millions of his countrymen to struggle through a terrible war that he brought upon them because of his political ignorance and his racial disloyalty.
We try to create a situation where we're the casino. It's like how an actuary would set insurance rates. Predictability, predictability, predictability. What's the path to least risk? What's the greater chance of getting some return on this asset?
I think people need entertaining, and they like being entertained. That's all I do. I don't do anything important; I just work in entertainment.
I adore Madrid. It's my city. If I ever move, it will only be for work. Whenever I travel, I always want to get back home.
I'm from Cleveland, Ohio, which has one of the largest Jewish populations in a single district in the state of Ohio and almost anyplace else in the United States.
When you feel great, you emanate a certain energy that translates as beautiful. I don't care if you have the standard beauty or not; it's that X-factor that comes through, and the basis of that is good health.
It was fun. It was intense. It was three months. It was in a beautiful place. Oh, my God, I fell in love with that town, with the country, with the people. The locations are amazing.
I grew up with communism, and if you live through communism you don't love it.
I like to think I'm like the guy who goes to the office Christmas party Friday night, insults some people, but still has his job Monday morning.
For me, taking care of your skin is the most important step. You can cover it with all the makeup you have, and it's still not as nice as beautiful skin.
Reinvention is the key to surviving this fashion industry. Madonna is the perfect example of reinvention. She has taken something that is so little and turned herself into a legend by simply never staying the same.
I could quite happily run a florist or a bake shop.