Why would I be excited that a Democrat won? Seriously, over the past eight years the Democrats didn't do SHIT! Basically, the last eight years, I feel, the Republicans stood around farting; and the Democrats went 'Ooh, let me smell it.'
The toughest thing about performing here is, where do you go from here? Next week, I'm at the Fort Lauderdale Performing Arts Center.
If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college.
Britney Spears comes on and she's singing about Pepsi, except you don't know what she's saying, because she can't fucking sing, so what you have is this: titty titty titty titty titty titty titty, ass ass ass, titty titty titty titty, ass, ass, BIG ASS, titty titty titty titty titty titty ass ass titty ass.
On Dick Cheney's Halliburton severance package He's a guy who's in charge of determining our energy policy, and he's doing it with $31 million of oil company money in his pocket. Is anybody fucking home?
on Public Works Projects You see what I felt they should have done for our first public works project is build a giant wall across the entire border of Canada...because THAT'S where the cold air comes from!
Is milk good or bad?... I rest my case. You don't know. You don't know anymore, and a lot of you are sitting there thinking 'Fuck, I'm an adult and I don't need to drink that shit anymore!' When I was a kid, you knew milk was good, 'cause there was only one kind of milk: Moo-Cow fuck milk, and that was it.
The Pledge of Allegiance, ultimately, is coffee for elementary school students. '...And to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. FUCK, I'm at SCHOOL! Can we say it again? I need a second cup.'
about how the Earth was created And then there are fossils. Whenever anybody tries to tell me that they believe it took place in seven days, I reach for a fossil and go 'Fossil!' And if they keep talking, I throw it just over their head.
There's no such thing as soy milk. It's soy juice. But they couldn't sell soy juice, so they called it soy milk. Because anytime you say soy juice, you actually... start to gag. And they put Soy Milk in with my Moo-Cow fuck milk, and it doesn't belong there, because we all know there's no such thing as Soy milk 'cause there's no soy titty, is there?
I don't believe pumpkin pie is even made from pumpkin. I mean, how can something that smells that shitty make a pie so sweet? There's not enough sugar in the universe.
The best time to go to Las Vegas is during Christmastime, because there's no drug you can take that will recreate the experience of watching people gamble while they play Christmas carols. I'm Jewish, and I'm astonished. People going, 'GODDAMMIT!' 'JESUS CHRIST!' 'HOLY FUCK!' '...pa-rum-pum-pum-pum, me and my drum.'
They've gotta stop reporting wind chill. That's nonsense. It really is. I don't know where they came up with it, why they came up with it, but it's a lie. They come on, 'Well, it's 27 degrees today, but with the wind chill, it's minus 3.' … WELL, THEN IT'S MINUS 3, ASSHOLE! I don't need to know what the weather was like if the conditions were perfect!
Health clubs aren't healthy. In New York City, which has the most stairs of anywhere in the country, people pay money to go to a health club and use a stair master. When you live in a city, that has nothing but stairs and you pay money to use special stairs, that is not healthy behavior. It's fucking PSYCHOTIC!
The reason you should go to Las Vegas is because, for only the second time, the second time, ever, they have rebuilt Sodom and Gomorrah. It's back!! And you have the opportunity to see it before it turns to salt. And you wanna get out there before the Christian Right finds out what we're up to and shits all over it.
Now, most of the time you couldn't be too sure of the quality of the drug. Although, in my experience the stuff was always of a very high quality, because back then we didn't have business majors peddling lower-quality stuff in an effort to increase profits.
This book is dedicated to all of my friends who helped me get to where I am today - you know who you are.... and when I find you I am going to kill you.
Everyone of you has a health that is unique and totally different from everybody else. Completely! Because we... are all like snowflakes.
about solar energy If you ask your congressman why, he'll say 'Because it's hard. It's really hard. Makes me want to go poopie.' You know why we don't have solar energy? It's because the sun goes away each day, and it doesn't tell us where it's going!
It was the coldest winter ever! I thought last winter was the coldest winter ever, but I was fucking wrong, wasn't I? You see, because I travel all the time. So last winter, I'd be in the midwest, and the blizzard would hit. And then I'd fly home, AND THE BLIZZARD WOULD HIT AGAIN!
Christians... get Christmas under control. Seriously. It won't stop! It doesn't stop, does it? It's always Christmas now! Make it the whole year! It's the only time you pricks are happy!
There are no fights in Ireland, people just get so drunk they go, 'GODDAMN, YA SONOFABITCH!' and pass out. And there's no Alcoholics Anonymous there, because if there's a meeting, it's always at the bar,
I'll tell ya, in New York City, where I've lived far too long, 'fuck' isn't even a word, it's a comma.
If anyone is as angry as I am, it's the good people of Detroit.