I write 'by the seat of my pants.' I love to do research. I am inspired by contemporary writers and contemporary events. I live in the real world.
I was just as voracious a writer as I was a reader.
I am more of a suspense writer. A mystery writer solves mysteries. I am a 'high suspense' writer.
After the children grew up, I began to focus on my writing. My first books were part of a trilogy... The 'Wind Dance' trilogy.
The greatest compliment a writer can be given is that a story and character hold a reader spellbound. I'm caught up in the story writing and I miss a good deal of sleep thinking about it and working out the plot points.
Writers are always critical of themselves and I'm no exception. I always feel that maybe I could have done better.
I can't be easy. It's not my nature. But it's my nature to love you.
Mystery writing involves solving a puzzle, but 'high suspense' writing is a situation whereby the writer thrusts the hero/heroine into high drama.
In the end, we all have to decide what we're willing to give up for payback. We all have parents or grandparents or children who will need us. Agonizing decisions sometimes. You have to weigh the memories and debt against what's being taken from you.
Come to close?No one wants to come to close.If it's done for them,they accept it,even while they condemn it.Why not?But no one wants to know what it's like.Turn a blind eye.Maybe it will go away.
If your feet are firmly planted on the grount you'll never be able to dance.
We're trained to believe we should cling to one person only. Yet there are so many people who pass in and out of our lives. Good people, worth people, interesting people. Most of them stay for a little while and then move on. Some of them find a place with us and, if we let them, they enrich us. Don't close yourself off from the rest of the world, Eve. If you find someone who can make you understand a little more, laugh every now and then, give you a new experience, then never feel guilty. You'll just have more to give back to those who are closest to you.
Anticipation makes pleasure more intense...
They said no one knew a man as well as a woman who slept with him.
Nothing is more complicated than sex. Nor anything so beautifully simple.
Silence & smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems & Silence is the way to avoid many problems.
Hatred can eat at you until there's nothing left, until you become the thing you hate.