Kids shouldn't see all the violence they do these days. But the industry just doesn't care.
Linda Blair -
They were very persistent. They didn't stop writing or calling.
Linda Blair
For me reading the book [The Exorcist], I had the same questions that everyone else had. How does she jump up and down off the bed? How does her head spin around? How does she throw up?
Linda Blair -
I like having little kids look at me. It's fun. They make these little faces.
Linda Blair -
One of the reasons I don't have kids is because I think people would have been very unfair to them. Think of it. You're still asking me questions about The Exorcist.
Linda Blair -
Of course The Exorcist changed my entire life. I don't think there are very many people that will have the experience of sitting in this room, doing a job, and the next thing you know you've been on every television camera around the world, and people are they're frightened of you.
Linda Blair -
As all my friends said, 'Linda, enjoy this time.' It wasn't enjoyable the first time because they're were too many questions. But I think I've lived a solid life. You can look at who I've been, good, bad or indifferent.
Linda Blair -
Warner Brothers had to hire [a stunt double] and no one thought a child could do this. Billy Friedkin came to me before we were filming [The Exorcist] and said ,if you do not do all of this film, the film will be a joke.It's why they stripped the makeup down to the bare minimum, a piece on my chin, piece across my mouth that disfigured my mouth. You have scars here. Take away my eyebrows. It was my real hair. Shampoo was put in it that dried.
Linda Blair
I have been a vegetarian for about 10 years. And it really was due to the reading that I did. And they explain so that you understand why it's important for the planet's survival along with compassion for animals. It certainly made it much easier for me. I lost weight really fast. My mother died from cancer so this is all very personal to me. And I just would like the planet to be a better place. And I think you'll find a vegetarian diet to be really incredible these days
Linda Blair -
I was so sad from losing two of my dogs and my mother. I had this vision of all these animals sitting behind bars. They had no control and were scared. That's why I got into fostering and adopting animals out.
Linda Blair -
I didn't have a clue. I grew up Protestant in Connecticut at the Saugatuck Congregational Church. We didn't talk about the devil. That's Catholicism. And so, that was my safety net. And I always say, it's probably a good thing they didn't hire a Catholic child, who may have heard about the devil, the things that were in the closet. And no one wanted to discuss them.
Linda Blair -
People need to understand; I may have been very innocent. Didn't understand the devil. Didn't understand any of that. You can only push a child so far. You have laws; number one. And number two; I had been doing this so long, I could say now that I don't want to do something. But after a certain while, they knew when they had pushed their luck with me, and that it was time to, you know, maybe back off.
Linda Blair -
The animals are right here, right in front of us. And how we treat these companions is a test.
Linda Blair -
I work more than people realize. It doesn't mean you always see the project. Look at how many stations we have. I did a couple films in Australia. I like the movies.
Linda Blair
We have a deep need to affiliate, to be around people, and no creature on earth spends as much of its life depending on others as we do
Linda Blair -
The Amish do many other things that are good. Let them do that. Let the animals go.
Linda Blair -
The Exorcist has been a very interesting cross to bear.
Linda Blair -
What we have to remember is that children matter as much as adults, but they aren't equal with adults.
Linda Blair -
I have to entertain myself. An easy way to explain it is I worked in NY since I was five-years-old doing modeling and commercials, and that's a completely different world than in California where I think there's different dreams and aspirations of maybe being a so-called 'star' and so forth. Here you do your work, whether it's theater or commercials.
Linda Blair -
It's hard to understand how people can walk away from their homes and assume that their animal will fend for itself. We are the providers - the ones who need to provide the warmth, the protection, the food, the water.
Linda Blair
Look what they did to MaCauley Culkin. The poor child. I know because I've been there. But I could say after living my life, truth will always win out. And no one can take my character away from me anymore.
Linda Blair -
If you know me, I don't live in this dismal world. I mean, I like to have fun. My friends are comedians.
Linda Blair -
Modeling was pretty difficult back then. I did not find the business something that I had an interest in. I wanted to be a veterinarian.
Linda Blair -
I had no way to have a sense of humor about The Exorcist. I didn't know how. And this enabled me.
Linda Blair