A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.
Did I choose you? Did you choose me? And what difference does it make? All that really matters, friend, is that we chose together.
Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths.
Most meetings are too long, too dull, too unproductive - and too much a part of corporate life to be abandoned.
A child who has a grandparent has a softened view of life, the feeling that there is more to life than what we see, more than getting and gaining, winning and losing.
Don't ever take advice from anyone who starts a sentence with, 'You may not like me for this, but it's for your own good - ' It never is.
So, if you have a grandma, thank the good Lord above, and give your grandmamma hugs and kisses, for grandmothers are to love.
The only people in the world who can change things are those who can sell ideas.
Women on the way up generally fail to win popularity contests. The only compensation is that once you're there you will become very well liked.
No matter what the job description says, your real job is to make the boss look good.
there is no noise louder than a silent phone.
For all of us, whether we walk old paths or blaze new trails, friends remain important.
... in this impersonal world of the nine-digit zip code, credit cards, and numbered bank accounts, in this world of no marriage, late marriage, and remarriage, the operative word in office relationships is 'family.
If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I'd have had them first.
... letters freeze time for us, eternalizing shared experiences so we can go back and draw strength from them. Letters are like deposits in a secret bank that can be withdrawn when they are needed. And as we look back in love, we appreciate anew the thought and time that was taken to express those feelings.
Don't worry whether or not I am now happy. Today is only chapter one, we have yet to write a book.
Didn't we, like our grandchildren, begin with a childhood we thought would never end? Now, all of a sudden, I'm older than my parents were when I thought they were old.
We are the generation that came of age in an ageless society.
Love is a great glue, but there is no cement like mutual hate.
I have a theory that since everyone is always dieting, no one at a convention dinner ever eats the potatoes. Therefore, they go back to the kitchen uneaten. And the next night they reappear at another convention. Therefore, one should never eat the potatoes. Who knows? They may be six or seven years old.
Letters remind us that when we write we can bring back the best of times, even make time stand still, if only for a few minutes.
If you can't add to the discussion, don't subtract by talking.
Power always works from the corner office.
Don't get so involved in the duties of your life and your children that you forget the pleasure. Remember why you had children.