I would like to play with electronic keyboards again.
I think we are coming to a new era where people will record much faster.
I am pretty embroiled in moving on and moving forward with music.
There was a period when I'd just come out of college where I'd been playing classical guitar and I suddenly realised that it wasn't what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
I was totally into jazz in my teens.
I'm better for it and I prefer to keep things simple and see what sounds I can get out of my head and hands rather than relying on a sound that someone else created.
I actually think I play better now than I've ever played.
I spend a lot of time working as a painter and in my studio I go from upstairs where I paint to downstairs where I play and record, so I get this thing crossing over.
It's been very hard for the guitar as a serious synthesizer to compete with keyboards.
If you're a guitarist, you should not be intimidated by using your instrument as a synthesizer, but you shouldn't feel that you have to own one, either.
What I wanted to do was play the guitar but I don't like instrumental rock. I think it is tripe.
For me, the guitar synthesizer is a great writing instrument.
The most obvious thing you can't do with a guitar synthesizer is to really sound like a guitar.
Actually, I think my hands are in the best shape they've ever been in terms of what I can do.
Of course the playing is important but writing and the establishing of what you are going for is prime too.
More recently, I used guitar synthesizer extensively on the two albums I did with Robert Fripp.
In The Police, in a trio situation - which I've come back to now - it's just so wide open that it does actually provide this arena where you can play with a certain freedom.
It is not very practical in today's world when you tour all over the place having a big band.
I don't like playing standards. I like to do my own cutting edge work.
If I'm playing a violin thing, for instance, I tend to respond to that sound with the way I finger.
I'm just trying to avoid any sort of generic kind of music - I don't want to do generic jazz or fusion.
I don't have a great nostalgia for the past.
It accumulates over the years and I've led so many bands of my own now and forced myself into new situations... You would hope that you play better and better - until you just get too feeble to do it anymore.
My favorite sounds are the high, spacey ones that are very ambient.