What is good work? You just know it when you see it. You just can't explain it.
Louise Wilson -
You can't refuse to move forward when you're educating in design, because that's what we're asking students to do the whole time.
Louise Wilson
I've always believed that you have to have the skills before you destroy the skills. If you want to be crude, be crude, but don't be crude because you don't know how to do it, because you're not perfect at drawing and pattern-cutting.
Louise Wilson -
Elegance for one society is not elegance for another. It's in the eyes of the beholder.
Louise Wilson -
I never really liked Italy. 'Lots of cement' is my long-standing quote.
Louise Wilson -
Youth re-energises.
Louise Wilson -
I have very tidy cupboards. I do like a cupboard to look nice when you open it, with the labels facing forward.
Louise Wilson -
I've always loved books.
Louise Wilson
Now there is tons of information available online. 90% of students rarely look at magazines in their intended format because they're looking at them on a computer screen. They don't understand the layout, so when they come to putting their own portfolios together, they have no spatial awareness.
Louise Wilson -
I can't imagine taking up running.
Louise Wilson -
I always hate it when fashion is trivialised.
Louise Wilson -
In the past, you'd have one magazine, it would arrive monthly, and that was your magazine. You'd devour it; you'd absorb all the knowledge in it; you'd read it over and over again.
Louise Wilson -
At the end of the day, I'm a very boring academic, bogged down with academia and structure and delivering an education.
Louise Wilson -
I think the problem is that fashion has become too fashionable.
Louise Wilson
I don't see why you wouldn't cry when you're in an intense environment.
Louise Wilson -
I have no unhappy memories of my childhood.
Louise Wilson -
Fashion's transient - it moves.
Louise Wilson -
A lot of fashion might seem boring, but it is actually quite fun: the inside, the outside, the silhouette... All the different finishes. That's a skill.
Louise Wilson -
My students are noticed by the people I respect from the quality of their work.
Louise Wilson -
I always say to students, 'You're never going to have all the skills, but you have to have a skill.'
Louise Wilson
The only thing with press attention is that it can be very draining on our energy store.
Louise Wilson -
I was born in Cambridgeshire and moved to Scotland when I was seven.
Louise Wilson -
I was going to do business studies in Newcastle because there were a lot of nightclubs. My father said if I went that route, he'd never speak to me again: credit where credit's due.
Louise Wilson -
I've always spent money on books. I've always enjoyed handling books - the size, the format. I feel very strongly about original ephemera.
Louise Wilson