You know I love pot, and I love beer, but I am totally sober, just because it completely stopped working for me. (Interview Magazine 2000).
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
When I looked into her eyes, I saw an invisible spirit of something that I already loved.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers
I never really had the intention of being a rock 'n' roller. It's just that all of my best friends were great musicians and they felt sorry for me so they had me. (Much Music 1991).
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I walked away a little disheartened, thinking, 'Oh well. I came a long way to meet the Wizard of Oz, but I guess I won't. Such is life.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I knew there was never anyone to blame when people get into drugs. They're always responsible for their own behavior, and it's not the dealer, and it's not the friend, it's not the childhood. (Scar Tissue, 2004).
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
Changing and inventing new things is great. That's what we like to do. (Australia, 2002).
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
If you want to get along with somebody, let them be right, and it will last longer.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I find it hard to meet the right woman as people assume I'm a certain type of person - which I'm not.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers
When I do think, 'Man a fucking motel room with a couple of thousand dollars' worth of narcotics would do me right,' I just look over at my dog and remember that Buster's never seen me high. (Scar Tissue, 2004).
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I've wanted to feel pleasure to the point of insanity. They call it getting high, because it's wanting to know that higher level, that godlike level. You want to touch the heavens, you want to feel glory and euphoria, but the trick is it takes work. You can't buy it, you can't get it on a street corner, you can't steal it or inject it or shove it up your ass, you have to earn it.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I know my dad is a big Internet freak, and he's been known to be a Wikileaker.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I don't even bother trying to picture a perfect world, because I don't think that perfection is something to strive for. I prefer imperfection. That's what makes things special. You know, things that change.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
Paul McCartney's dad told him that when he was a kid. "Son, play the piano and when you go to parties, the girls will come to you."
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
You're not getting the b-level tunes. Our most recent producer, Danger Mouse, was quite sure about that. So you're getting the best of the best, the cream of the cream of what we have to offer.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers
Adolescence is such a fun time in your life, because you think you know it all, and you haven’t gotten to the point where you realize that you know almost nothing.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
The existence of sexual energy is such an every-day part of life. It's such a natural aspect of life. That we end up relating to without any shame. (Much Music 1991).
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
You instinctively know that nothing will ever be the same, and you have to carry that knowledge around with you like a huge weight. The next time you see your girl, you can’t look her straight in the eyes the same way you did for all those years.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I didn't really get to Led Zeppelin until I was in my 20s.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
We did that with people like Chris Rock, Woody Harrelson, and the environmentalist Julia Butterfly Hill.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I would consider him definitely one of my very best friends and I know he feels the same about me. We have a lot of love and respect.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers
I discovered surfing, which I absolutely fell in love with. That feels good and kind of keeps your body aligned, so does the salt water.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I'm very aware of the chemistry. It's something you can't take for granted. I'm very thankful for it and I recognise the power of its reality in all of our lives. Some people don't and it's a mistake not to because people throw away god-given special chemistry that's very rare, very hard to find.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I don't worry about new young bands. The bounty of life is infinite and so is music and so are opportunities.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers -
I was like a clock that had exploded- my springs were hanging out, my hands were cockeyed, and my numbers were falling off.
Anthony Kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers