Anthony Trollope Quotes
To have her meals, and her daily walk, and her fill of novels, and to be left alone, was all that she asked of the gods.

Quotes to Explore
Hardly any of my most memorable meals have been eaten in a restaurant, and definitely none in one of those fancy marble-floored, polished-silver establishments.
So many Indian novels, quite unfairly, do not get the prominence they should because they have been written in a language other than English.
Wherever I am, I take books, not novels.
The gods behold all righteous actions.
That's why I love crime novels so much: When I write a crime novel, the conflict is built in.
I love mystery novels... I love seeing the dramas played out in academic departments, particularly English departments. I started reading these when I was going up for tenure.
I write novels because there is something I don't understand in reality.
There is not one piece of cosmic dust that is outside the scope of God's sovereign providence.
The idea of being the Substitute in offering an atonement to satisfy the demands of God’s law for others was something Christ understood as His mission from the moment He entered this world and took upon Himself a human nature. He came from heaven as the gift of the Father for the express purpose of working out redemption as our Substitute, doing for us what we could not possibly do for ourselves.
God's grace is not infinite. God is infinite, and God is gracious.
If you care about the slaughter of the innocent, then for God's sake, speak up.
God’s sovereign will is not at the whim and mercy of our person and individual responses to it.
I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say ‘we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage’...
When [Jesus] wanted fully to explain what his forthcoming death was all about He didn't give a theory. He didn't even give them a set of Scriptural texts. He gave them a meal.
There is no inconsistency in God's commanding us not to take upon ourselves what belongs to Him alone. For to execute vengeance belongs to none but Him who is Lord of all; for when the powers of the world rightly accomplish this end, God himself does it who appointed them for the purpose.
In doing God's work, there is no substitute for praying. The men of prayer cannot be displaced with other kinds of men.
My humanity, in common with all of God's children, gives the greatest flight to my full range of my possibilities.
The latest page I've been working is about the organization of the pantheon of the gods. Who's indebted to whom, how they are related, who screwed whose uncle or grandmother, all of that.
If some animals are good at hunting and others are suitable for hunting, then the Gods must clearly smile on hunting.
God's delays are not God's denials.
Helen Lowe writes wonderful stories, yes, but her work also speaks with lyricism to deeper questions of how we treat each other. With lovely prose that brings vivid life to her characters, she creates a universe with people we care about. This is an author with a gift for fantasy.
To have her meals, and her daily walk, and her fill of novels, and to be left alone, was all that she asked of the gods.