Guys are so not into high-waisted things. I love high-waisted jeans. We all think that high-waisted things are flattering and awesome and beautiful and we're rocking it, and guys are always like, 'Ugh, she's wearing those high-waisted pants.'
I love dark chocolate - I could eat it 'til I puke.
I tried a juice cleanse once, and by the third day, I wanted to kill everyone. I honestly don't even think it's healthy. It's not good for you to just drink juice. Like, if you detox for one or two days, fine, but a 10- or 14-day juice cleanse? You have headaches, and I was in the worst moods. I couldn't do it. Starving.
I think the T-Shirt bra is really special for Victoria's Secret because it's that kind of simple bra that you wear under the t-shirt, so it doesn't have any lace or anything like that. So it's very smooth; it's very comfortable; it doesn't have a lot of padding in it.
My guilty pleasure is sugar.
I think I've learned a lot just from being in the industry in general, and I never really thought about what to put in my hair to get a perfect beach wave until I started modeling. People will use certain products on me, and I learn that way.
I'll paddle board, swim in the ocean, roll in the sand, soak up the sun, eat good food, be with friends and family and go fishing with my dad.
I like to start the day with yoga. It's the best way of moving into the day.
My favourite way of getting ready for a red carpet event is to turn the hair and makeup time into a bit of a pre-party. I use the same artists all of the time, so we know each other so well - so it's a 'hanging with friends' session. Music, lots of laughing, and food - because you must eat before the event.
If I'm in N.Y.C., I love walking around during the summer. It's hot, but I love it. I enjoy seeing everyone out. New York is such a fun place. The energy is so amazing here during the summer.
I love Instagram - I don't actually go on Twitter and tweet; I just connect it through my Instagram account. I think it's a good way of getting stuff out there and connecting with people.
For summer, I definitely love doing stuff outside. I love beach volleyball if you're close to something like that. It's really fun; you can do it with a lot of friends.
I have no expectations. Not in a bad way, but I've learned that you can't plan ahead. I live day by day and see what happens.
When I have a shoot or a big job coming up, I try my best to work out four or five times a week.
I travel so much for work that when I fly, I prefer to travel light and bring a carry-on bag that I don't need to check.
Honestly, I don't shop in L.A. very much - it's mostly in New York or when I'm away on trips.
Like my makeup, I keep my hair simple. It's either down or in a ponytail.
When you pump up your exercise, it makes you feel better and makes you look better, so you do a better job. It's mental, too.
I grew up in a really small town, so it wasn't really a fashion-forward place, and it was very casual.
Chanel makes an incredible red lip, and Tarte makes the best nude colors! I also love Giorgio Armani lipsticks - the Rouge d'Armani.
I really like the Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony collection - all of those kind of laser-cut leather dresses.
I've been blessed to work with amazing designers who have generously given me beautiful bags. Lancaster was very sweet and let me pick out my favorite one when I shot the campaign.
My ultimate style pin up is a tough question because my own style is influenced by so many sources. From Bianca Jagger to Kate Moss to Julie Christie. I love how they are always themselves and it never looks too 'done.'
I always have eaten really healthy, but I'm not a diet freak.