But the longer I'm in the business, you see a lot of times these screenplays have been rewritten 5 times and you're not really offending an author.
Actors are con men and con men are actors.
Spielberg gave us three takes before saying anything to us. Since then, I do that, three takes, to let the actors find their rhythm.
I am a big fan of the old Howard Hawks films from the 30s and 40s, I was a big Hepburn and Tracey fan for a while and Woody Allen films that are a very different kind of romantic comedy.
There has been a great proliferation of lawyers in the pat 20 years, just as there has been a proliferation of computers. But unlike computers, lawyers do not get twice as intelligent and half as expensive every two years.
I was a kid who went to film school and fell into acting.
Woody Allen would go for seven years without a movie and then make one that makes no money.
I'm trying to create a body of work that sort of represents something, and has something to say. Hopefully, I'll have a career that, 20 years from now, I'll look back and I'll have told the world about a slice of New York that they wouldn't have known about.
That's my advice for indie filmmakers: Marry a supermodel.
Newlyweds shooting budget: 5k for actors, 2k insurance, 2k food and drink. 9k in the can. We only shot 12 days. That's how to make an independent film.
It's so hard to raise money for independent films and the fact of the matter is that the bigger my star or whatever is, as a result of doing bigger pictures, the easier it is for me to get money for my own projects.
Hooking up with anybody from your past gets you thinking about things you haven't thought about in a while. It can rekindle dreams.
I'm always aware of who my core audiences are and I serve that niche.
I try not to be too plot-heavy and to balance the dramatic with the comedic.
I'm betting that in two years I'll be talking to you about a film that I shot on an iPhone. It's absolutely coming, I have no doubt in my mind.
And at no point did making 'Brothers McMullen' feel like work or hardship. It was really just a matter of 11 days of fun over the course of 8 months.
But at a certain point, you have to take your influence and find your own voice if you want to become a relevant artist.
Look: You're not gonna become a millionaire doing this, but that was never the point. And I think a lot of people in the indie film business kind of took their eye off of that.
I mean the cool thing about the movies is that you get to try on these different personalities and different styles.
When you work with a DeNiro or Hoffman, they love what they do so much that there's never any competitive vibe. It's more about how do we do this thing together.
You know, I've certainly gone through periods, once I got into this business, where I tried to adopt maybe a more sophisticated style, 'cause they give you all these free clothes.
I'd been offered TV series over the years and never had any interest in doing television. I'm not a TV guy.
The con movie is a little bit different where maybe we tell you what we're going to do but it never goes down the way you expect because there's so much double-crossing and cheats and lies going on along the whole way.
It's an enormous wall that's built between you and your dreams. And if every day, you just chip away... It may take ten years, but eventually you just might see some light.