Arundhati Bhattacharya Quotes
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And in the Second World War, you didn't just read about it in the newspapers because you weren't allowed to read it in the newspapers. It was all censored, you know? So nobody knew what we were doing.
Cartooning was a good fit for me. And yet now, years later, I almost never think about it.
The American landscape has no foreground and the American mind no background.
The Backstreet Boys were so ten years ago. Whatever.
If dogs could talk, perhaps we would find it as hard to get along with them as we do with people.
The village I come from is the most ruthless, lawless land one can encounter.
I was amazed to realize that for many Westerners, Scheherezade was considered a lovely but simple-minded entertainer, someone who relates innocuous tales and dresses fabulously. In our part of the world, Scheherezade is perceived as a courageous heroine and is one of our rare female mythological figures.
Worry about going out there and making your own legacy.
If you're true to yourself, you just do what you do.
As my early drawings warned me, where humans go, lions and tidal waves follow.
The pursuit of truth does not permit violence on one's opponent.
If someone says you're a reporter and doesn't want you to anchor then you wonder why you worked so hard at it.
I just love to work hard.
In the 'Dreamblood' books, I'm focusing more on what I like about epic fantasy: the layering and depth of tension; the chance to really delve into the minutia of an alternate society and its politics; a large cast of characters to love and hate.
My level of cynicism about the reasons that took us to war against Iraq remain just as well-developed as they were before I went.
If I could choose something besides fashion, I would love to be a ballerina.
Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside. Each society must search for its own path, and no path is perfect.
Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it so that the other half may reach you.
God is in the details.
As long as you identify with the universe - which is perfect and can correct material conditions to bring them back into alignment with that Divine perfection - as long as that is where your mind is aligned, it's as though there were two parallel universes. You decide with every thought you think which one you're going to inhabit. Two parallel universes of experience, as it were.
The investigation of consciousness has come to be regarded suspiciously by most smart people and by most scientists. That's a legacy that began with the Inquisition, which considered non-Christian spiritual inquiry as blasphemous.
There's so many more better TV shows than films coming out, in my opinion.
PSU banks are sole lenders to capital-intensive firms.