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Drumming is my middle name.
Do you remember when everyone began analyzing Beatles songs, I don’t think I ever understood what some of them were supposed to be about.
The only way I'll get you is to get you in bed.
All I do is scream your name.
I'd Like to beUnder the seaIn an octopus's garden with you.
I met The Beatles while we were playing in Germany. We'd seen them in Liverpool, but they were a nothing little band then, just putting it together. In fact, they weren't really a band at all.
I think the most exciting thing is that you expect people our age to know the music, but actually a lot of kids know the music, and if anything is left, we have left really good music. And that`s the important part, not the mop-tops or whatever.
Roy Orbison was the only act that The Beatles didn't want to follow.
I love that about the Beatles, that the music is still going on more than the haircut, you know.
This was the point of our lives when we found pills, uppers. That's the only way we could continue playing for so long. They were called Preludin, and you could buy them over the counter. We never thought we were doing anything wrong, but we'd get really wired and go on for days. So with beer and Preludin, that's how we survived.
In the band I was in, we knew when we’d done the take, because it just feels good. It’s like golf. When you hit that ball right, you know. You feel it – you feel the connection. And connecting is good.
I don't collect any memorabilia. I wish I'd have kept everything I had. But who knew you had to keep it. Just gave it away. And we lost so much and we didn't look after a lot of it. I believe Paul's got everything he ever had, but I lost a lot of mine.
I used to wish that I could write songs, like the others-and I've tried, but I just can't. I can get the words all right, but whenever I think of a tune the others always say it sounds like such-a-thing, and when they point it out, I see what they mean.
People only look at me as a Beatle but my friends look at me as a whole person. That's how life works, but it's not bugging me anymore.
It all comes down to who you crucify, you either kiss the past or future good-bye.
The Beatles were just four guys that loved each other. That’s all they’ll ever be.
The main thing is not to be afraid of that, to get to a place where you'll go gracefully, not screaming and kicking up a fuss.
I'd like to be in a man band, but with Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and Keith Richards. We'd have a rocky edge.
I'm quite honored by it. They [people] tell me that , 'If it hadn't of been for you, I wouldn't have played drums.' Hey, don't blame me, I was just up there doing my stuff. So no, I never take it as any real pressure.
I play weird. I'm always just behind. We drummers only have so much room. We're not guitarists.
The kids are interested in the music of them. They're not interested in mop-tops and Beatle boots and crazy suits. It's all down to the music now - that's what they hear, and that's what they love.
I hate click tracks. A lot of people I know like to use click tracks. Like my son is perfect on the click tracks. It makes me to edgy.
Gaps can be very emotional. I mean, that's in my drumming. When I drum, you know, I don't need to drum all over the track. I play with the singer and I can back off.
We will miss George for his sense of love, his sense of music and his sense of laughter.