I do like athletes as they have amazing self-discipline.
You don't have to be singing specifically about things that are going on in your life, but because of the nature of music, because it is this incredibly emotional phenomenon, everything that you are feeling or experiencing is relayed in the music you put out.
I have no problem putting my feet up and watching football but my mother-in-law is always doing stuff.
I have always strived to do something different, to push myself.
I don't think we can sit on the fence anymore. We have to make up our minds. And if one wants to choose the path of darkness, then so be it, but be conscious of what it is you're doing.
I believe that our society is merely a reflection of what is going on inside each and every one of us.
Sport is my passion but I have a way to go.
People want to sensationalize things. That's just the nature of the business.
The music industry is really funny, when you have a hit record, everyone knows who are you, everyone wants to do duets with you, then if you have a miss, people suffer from amnesia.
I love our industry. I love the song. I love the voice. I love it. Not necessarily my voice. But I care about the song and the voice.
I'm going to make this T-Shirt up saying, 'you can either be right or be happy.'
I like to think of myself as a people person.
I do change the odd lightbulb, and I fix the Internet when it goes down, because it's something I am really good at.
The harder you work... and visualize something, the luckier you get.
Honestly, if I was looking at myself and I cheated, then I'd just think, 'Wow, how disappointing, I actually thought you were better than that.' It's about me and about the kind of man I want to be.
I like to think that the Internet and file sharing, if utilized properly and embraced, and I emphasize properly, is a high-powered marketing design.
We do live in this age of new media.
To assume that any couple goes without arguing is just nonsense.
Packing is my pet hate.
The world is still a fantastic and wondrous place to live.
I like to think of myself as a humanitarian.
I mean, I'm married first of all to one of, if not the most wonderful women in the world. She is everything - funny, attractive, hard-working, she has integrity, she loves me to bits.
What I love most about fatherhood is the opportunity to be a part of the development process of a new life.
People drive everywhere in L.A., so you get very little human interaction... but N.Y. and Chicago are like London... L.A. lacks the social interaction.