White people think one thing and black people think another thing about the same event. And we automatically, before we really know what happened, kind of pick our sides.
I think God does a lot of things in different ways.
We need to get our hearts straight. And after we get the hearts straight, we can treat each other straight.
We all have faults.
If you're going to play football, why not be the best at it that you can be and fulfill your potential?
I have been pulled over, and I have actually worried, 'Is something going to happen to me even though I am a law abiding citizen?' That is a real fear and is something that we have to come to grips with.
For policemen to be honest about the fact that they may be fearful when they come into a certain situation, not understanding what's going to happen. The only way things will change and things will get better is if people are able to be honest without feeling like they're going to be offended, or they're going to offend someone else.
Overwhelmingly, I would say I've had really good support from many of my teammates and guys that I've played with. We want to be able to express our views. You know, we're part of this country, too.
The thing that happened in Ferguson touched many of us in a specific way.
There shouldn't be any looting or anything like that. But we're seeing a lot of frustration, and nobody knows the answer. All of us are saying we need an answer, and what I'm saying is we need, all of us, a heart change so, as America, we can move forward.
God blessed me with great talent and good genetics. Plus, he blessed me with a good work ethic and a drive to want to be the best.
The captain thing was really an honor, and it was really flattering for me. It was really something that I didn't expect, and I would say that was the highlight of my career so far, being elected captain by my peers.
Sometimes listening is of greater value than speaking.
There are certain teams in the NFL that have a certain aura about them, and there's a certain respect level about them.
Athletes are in a position where others think they shouldn't weigh in on certain social topics.
So much of football relates to Christian life - sacrifice, commitment, discipline.
When you pass from death into the life, you become a new person, and so everything you do flows from that.
My grandmother and my father always said I would end up as a missionary. Well, I feel like I am one now.
Sin is the reason we rebel against authority.
Sin is the reason we abuse our authority.
The police officer's job is to respect the citizens that they are in control of.
One of the biggest things we have to be able to do is to handle conflict and handle it correctly. We're able to look at our biases, look at our frustration, look at our sin in this area, our pride and our selfishness. It allows us to move forward.
Sin is the reason we are racist, prejudiced, and lie to cover for our own.
Make sure you know your identity is in Christ, so that when you get laid off from your job, or when you get a raise from your job, or when things don't go right, you're not up and down, up and down.